Instructiuni de prezentare a lucrarilor
Instructions for Submission

Instructiuni de prezentare a manuscriselor:
Instruction for preparation of manuscripts:
1. Lucrarile se redacteaza de catre autorii romani bilingv in romana (coloana stanga) si engleza/ franceza/ germana/ (coloana dreapta) cu rezumate de 50 - 100 cuvinte, totalizand 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 sau 16 pagini (impuse de elaborarea extraselor), fara note la subsolul paginii (vezi formatul model).
1. The length of the paper must be 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 or 16 pages, in English/ French/ German/, with the abstract 50 – 100 words, less footnotes. For the foreign authors the translation into Romanian will be assured in Timisoara.
2. Editarea textului se face in WORD cu fonturi Arial, marime 10, la un rand, respectiv marime 14 pentru denumirea publicatiei, cu umplerea intregii latimi disponibile a paginii (stanga – dreapta / Justify), cu majuscule si bold pentru titlul lucrarii (vezi formatul model).
Imprimarea articolului se va face pe o fata a hartiei albe A4 tip Xerox, cu imprimanta laser, in cadrul unui chenar imaginar, cu initializarile:
• distante pe orizontala / verticala de 20 mm in partea de jos si in partea dreapta a paginii si de 30 mm in partea de sus si in partea stanga a paginii;
• pe doua coloane cu latime 7,7 cm si spatiere 0,6 cm.
2. A laser printer should be used with 10 pitch WORD Arial font. The first page must contain the header text, typed with 14 pitches. Under the title of your work, list authors’ names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses. The text should be typed in single line spacing, justify, on white pages of A4 size (210 mm width x 297 mm height). The margins are Top = 30 mm; Bottom = 20 mm; Left = 30 mm, Right = 20 mm (see format model).

3. Relatiile / formulele se numeroteaza cu numere in paranteza, in partea dreapta a paginii.
3. Equations should be typed within the text and numbered consecutively. The equation number should be typed in parenthesis, in the right side of page (see format model).
4. Figurile si tabelele se amplaseaza in text, avand contrast puternic, numerotandu-se cu cifre arabe, iar referintele bibliografice se noteaza in text cu paranteze drepte (vezi formatul model).
4. Pictures, diagrams and tables must be inserted in text where they are quoted (see format model).
5. Paginile lucrarii imprimate se numeroteaza provizoriu pe verso, cu creionul.
5. Pages should be numbered only on the back side using a pencil.
6. Pentru un autor se accepta maxim 2 lucrari individuale sau colective in cadrul fascicolei editate.
6. The deadlines for manuscript:
1st May (fascicle 1), 1st November (fascicle 2).
7. Termenele de predare a manuscriselor: 1 mai (fascicola 1), 1 noiembrie (fascicola 2).
Detailed format information for the preparation of the camera-ready version is attached as DOC file (Format for Authors).
BS-UPT MIEIT's policy of "double-blind" review means that the reviewer and the author do not know the identity of the other.

Please send the paper to Scientific Bulletin of "Politehnica" University of Timisoara, Transactions on Management. Engineering Economy. Transportation Engineering in format Microsoft Word DOC only for CAMERA READY version to: Horia Liviu POPA
"Politehnica" University of Timisoara, Faculty of Management in Production and Transportation
Str.Remus nr. 14, RO-300191 Timisoara, Romania, Phone: +4 0256 404038, Fax: +4 0256 404284

Format de redactare / Format for Authors