14.12.2018, ora 10.00, Faculty of Mechanics, B-dul Mihai Viteazul, nr. 1, Sala Amfiteatrul 150
Doctoral thesis title:On the influence of constructive and functional factors concerning mechanical resistance on static and variable stresses of high voltage conductors
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ilare BORDEASU
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ion DUMITRU
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Mircea Cristian DUDESCU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Gilbert-Rainer GILLICH
Prof.Phd.Eng. Liviu MARSAVINA
29.11.2018, ora 10.00, Faculty of Mechanics, B-dul Mihai Viteazul, nr. 1, Sala Amfiteatrul 150
Doctoral thesis title: Studies and research on comfort parameters improvement in transport systems
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Dorin LELEA
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Mihai NAGI
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Marin BICA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Srbislav GENIC
Assoc.Prof.Phd.Eng. Ioan LAZA
26.11.2018, ora 11.00, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Str. Traian Lalescu, nr. 2A, Sala M1
Doctoral thesis title: Seismic protection of building framed structures with Buckling Restrained Braces
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Raul ZAHARIA
PhD adviser: Acad.Prof.Phd.Eng. Dan DUBINĂ
Referents: Assoc.Prof.Phd.Eng. Atsushi SATO
Prof.Phd.Eng. Radu Sorin VĂCĂREANU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Cosmin-Gruia CHIOREAN
23.11.2018, ora 11.00, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Str. Traian Lalescu, nr. 2A, Sala C-tin Avram
Doctoral thesis title: Studies concerning the behaviour of masonry walls under seismic actions. Strengthening of masonry walls using composite materials
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Raul ZAHARIA
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Valeriu STOIAN
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Călin MIRCEA
Assoc.Prof.Phd.Eng. Viorel POPA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Marius MOȘOARCĂ
21.11.2018, ora 12.00, Faculty of Automation and Computing, B-dul Vasile Pârvan, nr. 2, Sala A109
Doctoral thesis title: Providing flexible solutions for continous services (SEAMLESS) in healthcare
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Daniel ANDREESCU
PhD adviser: Prof.Emerit.Phd.Eng. Lăcrămioara STOICU-TIVADAR
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Vladimir Ioan CREȚU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Viorel NEGRU
Assoc.Prof.Phd.Habil. Elena Silvia BERNAD
15.11.2018, ora 11.00, Centrul de Conferințe al UPT , B-dul Vasile Pârvan, nr. 2B, Amfiteatrul K1
Doctoral thesis title: Contributions to energy recovery from biomass for biogas production
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Inocențiu MANIU
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng.Habil. Ioana IONEL
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ecaterina ANDRONESCU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Tudor PRISECARU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Radu-Liviu ȘUMĂLAN
Prof.Phd.Eng. Corneliu-Mircea DAVIDESCU
12.11.2018, ora 11.00, Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara, Str. Revoluției, nr. 5, Sala F01
Doctoral thesis title: Research on the use of powdery and fine ferrous waste from mettalurgy industry
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Caius PĂNOIU
PhD adviser: Prof.Emerit.Phd.Eng. Teodor HEPUȚ
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Nicolae CONSTANTIN
Prof.Phd.Eng. Gabriel Valeriu GHICA
Assoc.Prof.Phd.Eng. Ioan ILCA
09.11.2018, ora 11.00, Faculty of Electrical and Power Engineering, B-dul Vasile Pârvan, nr. 2, Sala C002
Doctoral thesis title: Optimization of the operation of hydrogenerator system at Râul Mare Retezat Hydroelectric Power Plant
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Sorin MUȘUROI
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Flavius Dan ȘURIANU
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Adrian BADEA
Prof.Phd.Eng. George DARIE
Prof.Phd.Eng. Doru VĂTĂU
09.11.2018, ora 12.00, Faculty of Automation and Computing, B-dul Vasile Pârvan, nr. 2, Sala A109
Doctoral thesis title: Relative Localization Methodology in Collaborative Robotic Environments
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Radu-Emil PRECUP
PhD adviser: Prof.Emerit.Phd.Eng. Vladimir I. CREȚU
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Sergiu NEDEVSCHI
Prof.Phd.Eng. Nicolae ȚĂPUȘ
Assoc.Prof.Phd.Eng. Mihai V. MICEA
24.10.2018, ora 11.00, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Str. Traian Lalescu, nr. 2A, Sala C-tin Avram
Doctoral thesis title: Fire prevention and suppression study regarding activation, evolution and functioning characteristics of fire safety systems
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Daniel DAN
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ioan Adrian Nicolae RETEZAN
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Raul ZAHARIA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Theodor MATEESCU
Assoc.Prof.Phd.Eng. Daniela Ioana TEODORESCU
28.09.2018, ora 10.00, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, B-dul Mihai Viteazul, nr. 1, Sala 150
Doctoral thesis title: Determination of postural differences between different sports branches
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Liviu Marșavina
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Inocențiu MANIU
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Doina PÎSLĂ
Prof.Phd.Eng. Daniela TARNIȚĂ
Prof.Phd.Eng. Veronica ARGEȘANU
11.09.2018, ora 12.00, Faculty of Management in Production and Transportation, Str. Remus, nr. 14, Sala A1
Doctoral thesis title: Organizations systems sustainability - a possible strategic model
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.EC.Eng. Marian Liviu MOCAN
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Anca DRĂGHICI
Prof.Phd.Eng. George Gustav SAVII
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Angela REPANOVICI
Prof.Phd.Eng. Constantin OPREAN
Prof.Phd.Eng. Rodica PODE
25.07.2018, ora 10.00, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Str. Traian Lalescu, nr.2, Sala C-tin Avram
Doctoral thesis title: Study on building energy efficiency using numerical simulations and in situ measurements
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Daniel GRECEA
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Valeriu Augustin STOIAN
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Stefano Paolo CORGNATI
Prof.Phd.Eng. Marcela PRADA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Daniel DAN
06.07.2018, ora 10.00, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, B-dul Mihai Viteazu, nr.1, Sala 203
Doctoral thesis title: Comparative analysis of some forecasting methodologies for greenhouse gas emissions projections
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ilarie BORDEAȘU
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng.habil. Ioana IONEL
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng.habil. László MAKRA
Prof.Phd.habil. Marius Horia PAULESCU
Prof.Phd.Eng.Ec. Dumitru TUCU
08.06.2018, ora 10.00, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Str. George Enescu, nr.1/A, Sala H4
Doctoral thesis title: Possibilities of using solar energy in land improvements
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng.Liviu Adrian CIUTINA
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Teodor Eugen MAN
Referents: Prof.Phd. Marius PĂULESCU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Ioan DAVID
Prof.Phd.Eng. Nicu Cornel SABĂU
08.06.2018, ora 10.00, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, B-dul Mihai Viteazu, nr.1, Sala A150
Doctoral thesis title: Optimisation possibilities for industrial technologies of biomass valorisation through Pyrolysis
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Anca DRĂGHICI
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng.Ec. Dumitru ȚUCU
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Andrzej BIALOWIEC
Prof.Phd.Eng. Liviu GACEU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Ovidiu TIȚA
08.05.2018, ora 11.00, Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara, Str. Revoluției, nr.5, Sala F0-1
Doctoral thesis title: Research on the use of composite materials in vehicle braking systems
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Caius PĂNOIU
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Teodor HEPUȚ
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ioan VIDA-SIMITI
Prof.Phd.Eng. Mircea Horia ȚIEREAN
Prof.Phd.Eng. Ana Virginia SOCALICI
04.05.2018, ora 11.00, Faculty of Management in Production and Transportation, Str. Remus, nr.14, Sala A1
Doctoral thesis title: Banking development strategy following the economic and financial crisis
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Anca DRĂGHICI
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng.Ec. Marian Liviu MOCAN
Referents: Prof.Phd.Ec. Marilen Gabriel PIRTEA
Prof.Phd.Eng.Ec. Laura BACALI
Prof.Phd.Eng. Lucian-Ionel CIOCA
27.04.2018, ora 09.30, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, B-dul Pârvan, nr.6, Sala B17
Doctoral thesis title: The study of the electrical properties of ceramic materials NaTaO3 type with perovskitic structure
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Nicolae VASZILCSIN
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ioan GROZESCU
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ioan VIDA-SIMITI
Prof.Phd.Eng. Ioan MITELEA
Assoc.Prof.Phd.Eng. Cătălin Nicolae MARIN
27.04.2018, ora 11.00, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Str. George Enescu, nr.2, Sala H4
Doctoral thesis title: Ecological evaluation of waste management systems from some EU countries
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Daniel GRECEA
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ion MIREL
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ion GIUMA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Ioan BICA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Constantin FLORESCU
20.04.2018, ora 11.00, Faculty of Automation and Computing, B-dul Vasile Pârvan, nr.2, Sala A109
Doctoral thesis title: Generation of floating-point micro-operations used in graphics, implemeted with FPGAs
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Horia CIOCÂRLIE
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Mircea POPA
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Dorian GORGAN
Prof.Phd.Eng. Daniela Elena POPESCU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Mihai MICEA
23.03.2018, ora 11.00, Faculty of Automation and Computing, B-dul Vasile Pârvan, nr.2, Sala A115
Doctoral thesis title: Model-free techniques for tuning the parameters of automatic controllers
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Octavian PROȘTEAN
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Radu-Emil PRECUP
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Vladimir RĂSVAN
Prof.Phd.Eng. Corneliu LAZĂR
Prof.Phd.Eng. Ștefan PREITL
09.03.2018, ora 11.00, Faculty of Engineering Henedoara, str. Revoluției, nr.5, Sala F0-1
Doctoral thesis title: Improvement of the secondary cooling process of continuously cast steel
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Caius PĂNOIU
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Teodor HEPUȚ
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Cristian PREDESCU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Nicolae CONSTANTIN
Prof.Phd.Eng. Ana Virginia SOCALICI
16.02.2018, ora 11.00, Faculty of Engineering Henedoara, str. Revoluției, nr.5, Sala F0-1
Doctoral thesis title: Research on the recovery of silver from radiographic films and effluents
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Liviu BERETEU
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Teodor HEPUȚ
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ioan VIDA-SIMITI
Prof.Phd.Eng. Valeriu Gabriel GHICA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Viorel-Aurel ȘERBAN
25.01.2018, ora 11.00, Faculty of Management in Production and Transportation, str. Remus, nr.14, Sala A11
Doctoral thesis title: The role corporate communication in the perception of social responsibility's dimensions
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng.Ec. Marian MOCAN
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Anca DRĂGHICI
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Mihaela Luminița LUPU
Prof.Phd.Eng.Ec. Laura BACALI
Prof.Phd.Eng. Gabriela-Ioana PROȘTEAN