Politehnica University Timisoara

The Doctoral Dissertations Defense Schedule 2019 UPT


Eniko BEREI - Chemistry

13.12.2019, ora 10.30, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, B-dul Vasile Pârvan, nr.6, sala B17

Doctoral thesis title: New methods for obtaining copper and cobalt chromites undispersed and dispersed in silica matrix

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Eng. Lucian-Mircea RUSNAC
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Chim. Mircea ȘTEFĂNESCU
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd.Eng. Rodica PODE
C.S.I. Phd.Eng. Gheorge ILIA
                                           Prof.Phd.Habil. Titus VLASE
                                           Assoc.Prof.Phd.Eng. Ionuț-Valentin LEDEȚI


Vlad MARȚIAN  - Mechanical Engineering

05.12.2019, ora 10.30, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, B-dul Mihai Viteazu, nr.1, sala 150

Doctoral thesis title: Contribuții privind cercetări ale schimbătoarelor de căldură cu suprafețe ondulate cu capete drepte și suprafețe cu generatori de turbulențe

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Eng. Inocențiu MANIU
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Mihai NAGHI
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd.Eng. Srbislav GENIC
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Marin BICĂ
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Dorin LELEA

Artur Miklos KUCZAPSKI  - Systems Engineering

22.11.2019, ora 10.30, Faculty of Automation and Computing, B-dul Vasile Pârvan, nr.2, sala A115

Doctoral thesis title: Understanding Hearing through Cochlear Implants - A Simulation Model of the Hearing Perception

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Eng. Horia CIOCÂRLIE
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Gheorghe-Daniel ANDREESCU
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd.Eng. Theodor BORANGIU
                                           Prof.Phd.Med. Marcel COSGAREA
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Liviu Cristian MICLEA


Mariana TĂMAȘ (GÎRU)  - Civil Engineering

12.11.2019, ora 10.00, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Str. George Enescu, nr.1/A, sala H4

Doctoral thesis title: Aspects of sustainable development of Anina-Bozovici

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Eng. Liviu Adrian CIUTINA
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Emerit.Eng. Teodor Eugen MAN
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd.Eng. Ioan BICA
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Nicoleta MATEOC-SIRB
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Constantin FLORESCU

Paula SVERA (IANASI)  - Materials Engineering

22.10.2019, ora 12.00, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, B-dul Mihai Viteazu, nr.1, sala 150

Doctoral thesis title: Materials based on CdxZn1-xS used as visible light active photocatalyst for hydrogen production

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Eng. Inocențiu MANIU
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Viorel-Aurel ȘERBAN
Prof.Phd.Eng. Nicolae VASZILCSIN
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd.Eng. Petru ILEA
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Corneliu CRĂCIUNESCU
                                           Prof.Phd.Habil.PI-1 Mihai PUTZ

Cosmin Gabriel OROS  - Power Engineering

03.10.2019, ora 11.00, Faculty of Electrical and Power Engineering, B-dul Vasile Pârvan, nr.2, sala C119

Doctoral thesis title: Distribution network operation optimizationusing artificially intelligence techniques 

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Eng. Doru VĂTĂU
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ștefan KILENI
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd.Eng. Mircea EREMIA
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Ioan FELEA
                                           Assoc.Prof.Phd.Eng. Constantin BĂRBULESCU

Laszlo MOLNAR  - Electronic Engineering Telecommunications and Information Technologies

27.09.2019, ora 12.00, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies, B-dul Vasile Pârvan, nr.2, sala A116

Doctoral thesis title: Contributions to Modeling, Simulation and Emulation of Application Specific Integrated Circuits for intelligent control of High Pressure Fuel Pumps in the automotive field 

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Eng. Aldo de SABATA
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Aurel GONTEAN
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd.Eng. Paul Mugur SVASTA
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Dan PITICA
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Dan LASCU

Andrei-Marius SILAGHI  - Electronic Engineering Telecommunications and Information Technologies

20.09.2019, ora 11.00, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies, B-dul Vasile Pârvan, nr.2, sala A116

Doctoral thesis title: Contributions to the evaluation and improvement of emissions and immunity in electromagnetic compatibility of road vehicles

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Eng. Radu VASIU
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Aldo de SABATA
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd.Eng. Adrian GRAUR
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Ladislau MATEKOVITS
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Aurel-Ștefan GONTEAN


Mircea GURBINĂ  - Electronic Engineering Telecommunications and Information Technologies

20.09.2019, ora 09.00, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies, B-dul Vasile Pârvan, nr.2, sala A116

Doctoral thesis title: Stability, bifurcation and chaos in DC-DC switching converters
Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Eng. Aldo de SABATA
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Dan LASCU
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd.Eng. Adrian GRAUR
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Dorin PETREUȘ
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Radu VASIU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Viorel POPESCU

Aida Sorina SZILAGYI -  Engineering and Management

12.09.2019, ora 11.00, Faculty of Management in Production and Transportation, Str. Remus, nr. 14, sala A1

Doctoral thesis title: Innovative approaches in applying eco-efficiency in companies

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Eng. Anca DRĂGHICI
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng.Ec. Marian Liviu MOCAN
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd.Eng. Laura BACALI
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Iulian Ionel CIOCA
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Florica MANEA


Marian Constantin VASILE -  Engineering and Management

13.09.2019, ora 10.00, Faculty of Management in Production and Transportation, Str. Remus, nr. 14, sala A1

Doctoral thesis title: Development modelforsmart cities and regions in Romania

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Eng. Anca DRĂGHICI
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng.Ec. Marian Liviu MOCAN
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd.Eng.Ec. Cristian-Vasile DOICIN
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Stelian BRAD
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. George CĂRUȚAȘU

Cristina-Daniela PĂCURAR (DÎMPU) -  Materials Engineering

09.07.2019, ora 11.00, Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara, Str. Revoluției, nr. 5, sala F01

Doctoral thesis title: Research regarding the influence of the metallic charge upon reducing the specific consumption and the degree of pollution at electric mills

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Eng. Caius PĂNOIU
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Teodor HEPUȚ
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd.Eng. Nicolae CONSTANTIN
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Valeriu Gabriel GHICA
                                           Assoc.Prof.Phd.Eng. Mircea NICOARĂ

Theoharis BABANATSAS -  Industrial Engineering

09.07.2019, ora 10.00, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, B-dul Mihai Viteazu, nr. 1, sala 115

Doctoral thesis title: Integrating robotics elements into a system for harvesting olives

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Eng. Anca DRĂGHICI
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng.Ec. Dumitru ȚUCU
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd.Eng. Ion SĂRĂCIN
                                          Prof.Phd.Eng. Liviu GACEU
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Mihai Sorin Adam JĂDĂNEANȚ

Norbert KAZAMER -  Materials Engineering

09.07.2019, ora 10.00, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, B-dul Mihai Viteazu, nr. 1, sala 150

Doctoral thesis title: Development, optimization and characterization of NiCrBSi-TiB2 vacuum fused flame-sprayed coatings

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Eng. Inocențiu MANIU
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Viorel-Aurel ȘERBAN
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd.Eng. Corneliu MUNTEANU
                                           Dr.rer.nat. Gabriela MĂRGINEAN
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Ion MITELEA

Andreea-Emeline GABOR  -  Chemical Engineering

05.07.2019, ora 10.00, Biblioteca Centrala a UPT, B-dul Vasile Pârvan, nr. 2B, Amfiteatrul K1

Doctoral thesis title: Advanced materials chemically modified through functionalisation with application in environmental protection

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Eng. Nicolae VASZILCSIN
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Corneliu Mircea DAVIDESCU
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd.Eng. Cantinca SECUIANU
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Petru ILEA
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Francisc PETER

Ionel Romeo PETRUȚ -  Electronic Engineering Telecommunications and Information Technologies

13.06.2019, ora 14.00, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies, B-dul Vasile Pârvan, nr. 2, sala A116

Doctoral thesis title: Heterogeneous Networks in LTE

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Eng. Alexandru ISAR
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Marius Emil OTEȘTEANU
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd.Eng. Doru CĂLIN
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Tudor PALADE
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Marius MARCU

Ioan CIORTEA  -  Civil Engineering and Building

11.06.2019, ora 12.00, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Str. George Enescu nr.1/A, sala H4

Doctoral thesis title: Soil - Structure interaction for hydrotechnical, water and sewer systems and hydroameliorative structures 

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Eng. Raul ZAHARIA
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Eugen Teodor MAN
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd.Eng. Virgil BREABĂN
                                           Prof.Phd. Eng. Marcela PRADA
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Viorel UNGUREANU

Marian Ștefan NEICU  -  Computers and Information Technology

11.06.2019, ora 16.00, Faculty of Automation and Computing, B-dul Vasile Pârvan, nr.2, Sala A109

Doctoral thesis title: Methods and techniques for designing businesses information systems

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Eng. Horia CIOCÂRLIE
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. George Gustav SAVII
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd.Eng. Dorian GORGAN
                                           Prof.Phd. Gabriela MIRCEA
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Mircea POPA

Bianca CÎRJALIU  -  Engineering and Management

29.05.2019, ora 10.00, Faculty of Management in Production and Transportation, Str. Remus nr.14, Sala A1

Doctoral thesis title: Ergonomic analysis of lean manufacturing systems

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Ec.Dumitru ȚUCU
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Anca DRĂGHICI
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd.Eng. Anca Alexandra PURCĂREA
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Gavrilă CALEFARIU
                                           Prof.Phd.Ec.Eng. Marian MOCAN

Corneliu BIRTOK BĂNEASĂ -  Materials Engineering

19.04.2019, ora 11.00, Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara, Str. Revoluíei nr.5, Sala F0-1

Doctoral thesis title: Research regarding the use of advanced materials for optimizing the intake process forinternal combustion engines

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Eng.Caius PĂNOIU
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Teodor HEPUȚ
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd.Eng. Ioan VIDA-SIMITI
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Mircea-Horia ȚIEREAN
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Viorel-Aurel ȘERBAN

Diana-Maria APARASCHIVEI - Chemical Engineering

19.04.2019, ora 10.00, Biblioteca UPT, B-dul Vasile Pârvan, nr. 2B, Amfiteatrul K1

Doctoral thesis title: Synthesis, characterization and degradation of new oligoesters from renewable raw materials

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Eng. Nicolae VASZILCSIN
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Francisc PETER
                     Referents:   C.Ș.I.Phd.Eng. Carmen Gabriela BOERIU
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Monica Ioana TOȘA
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Corneliu Mircea DAVIDESCU

Dan IDICEANU-MATHE - Architecture

16.04.2019, ora 13.30, Biblioteca UPT, B-dul Vasile Pârvan, nr. 2B, Sala CA2

Doctoral thesis title: Georges Cristinel - The Architect of the Transition Abstract of PhD Thesis

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Arh. Smaranda Maria BICA
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Arh. Teodor Octavian GHEORGHIU
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd.Arh. Nicolae LASCU
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Marius MOȘOARCĂ
                                           Assoc.Prof.Phd.Arh. Șerban Dragoș Ion ȚIGĂNAȘ

Dumitru Sorin URLAN -  Materials Engineering

08.04.2019, ora 15.00, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, B-dul Mihai Viteazu, nr. 1, Sala 150

Doctoral thesis title: Contributions on the fusion welding process of Duplex stainless steels

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Eng. Inocențiu MANIU 
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ion MITELEA
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd.Eng. Ion VIDA-SIMITI 
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Brândușa GHIBAN
                                           Prof.Phd.Eng. Viorel Aurel ȘERBAN

Ovidiu MICȘA  -  Architecture

15.03.2019, ora 15.00, Rectoratul Universității Politehnica Timișoara, Piața Victoriei nr. 2, et.1, Sala mică a Senatului

Doctoral thesis title: Studies on the perception of built space. Photography as instrument for mental representation of architecture

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Arh. Ioan ANDREESCU
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Arh. Smaranda Maria BICA
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd.Habil.Arh. Virgil POP
                                          Prof.Phd.Habil. Camil MIHĂESCU
                                          Assoc.Prof.Phd.Arh. Francoise PAMFIL
Assoc.Prof.Phd.Arh. Ștefan GHENCIULESCU

Traian Aurel BENA  -  Materials Engineering

04.03.2019, ora 10.00, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, B-dul Mihai Viteazu, nr. 1, Sala 150

Doctoral thesis title: Influence of the microstrucrure on cavitation erosion resistance of cast iron with nodular graphite

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Eng. Inocențiu MANIU
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ion MITELEA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Ilare BORDEAȘU
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd.Eng. Cristian PREDESCU
                                          Prof.Phd.Eng. Mircea Horia ȚIEREAN
                                          Prof.Phd.Eng. Corneliu CRĂCIUNESCU

Renata-Graziela BOAR  -  Computers and Information Technology

21.01.2019, ora 13.00, Faculty of Automation and Computers, B-dul Vasile Pârvan, nr. 2, Sala A109

Doctoral thesis title: Complex networks with applicability in financiar and economic analysis

Doctoral committee:
                     President:  Prof.Phd.Eng. Radu-Emil PRECUP
                     PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng.Horia CIOCÂRLIE
                     Referents:   Prof.Phd. Ioan TALPOȘ NICULESCU
                                          Prof.Phd. Viorel NEGRU
                                          Prof.Phd.Eng. Vladimir-Ioan CREȚU

Ultima actualizare: 2020-02-05
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