22.12.2020, ora 10.00 - susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Occupational Safety and Health Management - Strategic Perspectives in Strengthening the Safety Culture in Enterprises
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng.Ec. Dumitru ȚUCU
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Anca DRĂGHICI
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Roland Iosif MORARU
Assoc.Prof.Phd.Eng. Nicoleta Luminița CĂRUNȚAȘU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Matei TĂMĂȘILĂ
18.12.2020, ora 10.00 - susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Wide ration bidirectional DC-DC converters for supercapacitor storage applications
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Sorin MUȘUROI
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Nicolae MUNTEAN
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Lorand SZABO
Prof.Phd.Eng. Claudia-Steluța MARȚIȘ
Acad. Ion BOLDEA
Membrii supleanți: Prof.Phd.Eng. Dumitru TOADER
Prof.Phd.Eng. Csaba SZASZ
09.12.2020, ora 14.00 - susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Optimization of performance and energy consumption by balanced data locality for the execution of parallel applications on numa systems
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Radu-Emil PRECUP
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Horia CIOCÂRLIE
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Liviu Cristian MICLEA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Dana PETCU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Mircea POPA
27.11.2020, ora 12.00 - susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Development of processes for capitalization of sewage sludge ash
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Nicolae VASZILCSIN
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Rodica PODE
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Cristina ORBECI
C.S.I.Phd.Eng. Gheorghe ILIA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Florica MANEA
17.11.2020, ora 11.00 - susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: A complex assessment methodology for historic roof structures
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Adrian Liviu CIUTINA
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Marius MOȘOARCĂ
Referents: Prof.Phd.Arh. Gorun ARUN
Assoc.Prof.Phd.Eng. Eleftheria TSAKANIKA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Valeriu-Augustin STOIAN
13.11.2020, ora 10.00 - susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Systems to increase the safety of road traffic in weather conditions that alter visibility - research and solutions
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Vladimir Ioan CREȚU
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ioan SILEA
Referents: Academician Ioan DUMITRACHE
Prof.Phd.Eng. Sergiu NEDEVSCHI
Prof.Phd.Eng. Toma-Leonida DRAGOMIR
06.11.2020, ora 12.00 - susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Systemic-integrated approach to road safety optimization in Timiș County
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Anca DRĂGHICI
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng.Ec. Dumitru ȚUCU
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Anca Alexandra PURCĂREA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Lucian Ionel CIOCA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Roland Iosif MORARU
06.11.2020, ora 12.00 - susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Computational Analysis of Emergent Behaviour in Collaboration Networks
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Marius MARCU
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.em.Eng. Mircea VLĂDUȚIU
Referents: Academician Prof.Phd.Eng. Mircea PETRESCU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Liviu Cristian MICLEA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Nicolae BIBU
30.10.2020, ora 12.00 - susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Powering and evaluating deep learning-based systems using green energy
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Marius MARCU
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.em.Eng. Mircea VLĂDUȚIU
Referents: Academician Prof.Phd.Eng. Mircea PETRESCU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Liviu Cristian MICLEA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Nicolae ROBU
09.10.2020, ora 11.00, susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: New synthetic routes for biocompounds using native and immobilized enzymes
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Nicolae VASZILCSIN
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Francisc PETER
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Gabriela Elena BAHRIM
Senior Scientist Carmen Gabriela BOERIU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Mircea Corneliu DAVIDESCU
19.09.2020, ora 10.00, susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Business Process Management Using Artificial Intelligence - An important Requirement, Success Factor and Business
Need for Industry 5.0
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Ec.Eng. Marian MOCAN
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Anca DRĂGHICI
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Sorin POPESCU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Claudiu Vasile KIFOR
Prof.Phd.Eng. Gabriela PROȘTEAN
17.09.2020, ora 12.00, susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Seismic vulnerability assessment of historical urban centers
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Adrian Liviu CIUTINA
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng.Marius MOȘOARCĂ
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Valeriu-Augustin STOIAN
Prof.H.C.Mult.Phd.Eng. Federico Massimo MAZZOLANI
Prof.Habil.Phd.Eng. Gabriele MILANI
16.09.2020, ora 11.00 - susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Contributions to the construction of rigid road surface course
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Daniel GRECEA
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Sorin DAN
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Dan Paul GEORGESCU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Dorina - Nicolina ISOPESCU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Marcela - Florina PRADA
28.07.2020, ora 13.00, susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Path detection, estimation and correction for robot guidance
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Florin ALEXA
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Marius-Emil OTEȘTEANU
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Franz QUINT
Prof.Phd.Eng. Corneliu RUSU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Dan LASCU
23.07.2020, ora 11.00, susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Problems of driving and modeling of the electroenergetic systems
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Radu-Emil PRECUP
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Octavian PROȘTEAN
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Mihail ABRUDEAN
Prof.Phd.Eng. Valentina BALAȘ
Prof.Phd.Eng. Ioan FILIP
15.07.2020, ora 11.00, susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Saving the wooden church monument in Crivina de Sus. The role of the architect in a multidisciplinary process
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Arh. Ioan ANDREESCU
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Arh. Smaranda Maria BICA
Referents: Prof.Phd.Arh. Virgil POP
Assoc.Prof.Phd.Ist. Daniel DUMITRAN
Prof.Phd.Eng. Marius MOȘOARCĂ
10.07.2020, ora 12.00, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Splaiul Spiru Haret, nr. 1A
Doctoral thesis title: Geospatial methods in order to implement a GIS for hydrotechnical and hydroameliorative facilities
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Raul Dan ZAHARIA
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng.Dr.H.C. Teodor Eugen MAN
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng.Dr.H.C. Cosmin Alin POPESCU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Carmen GRECEA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Nicu Cornel SABĂU
03.07.2020, ora 11.00, susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: In silicosolutions for researching genomicvariants and patternsapplying systems engineering methods
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Lăcrămioara STOICU-TIVADAR
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ioan SILEA
Referents: Assoc.Prof.Phd.Eng. Mihnea MOISESCU
Prof.Phd.Med. Maria PUIU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Radu-Emil PRECUP
27.06.2020, ora 10.00, susținere publică on-line
Doctoral thesis title: TIndustry 4.0 in warehouse ergonomics: Possible applications of emerging technology
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Ec.Eng. Dumitru ȚUCU
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Anca DRĂGHICI
Referents: Assoc.Prof.Phd.Eng. Nicoleta CĂRUȚAȘU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Nicolae UNGUREANU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Gabriela PROȘTEAN
26.06.2020, ora 11.00, susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Architecture and children. The space as a youth education environment
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Arh. Smaranda BICA
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Arh. Teodor Octavian GHEORGHIU
Referents: Prof.Phd.Arh. Ana Maria ZAHARIADE
Assoc.Prof.Phd. Ramona PALOȘ
Prof.Phd.Eng. Daniel GRECEA
05.06.2020, ora 10.00, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, B-dul Mihai Viteazul, nr.1, sala150
Doctoral thesis title: Techniques for the optimization of the resistance to cavitation erosion of certain Cu-Zn and Cu-Sn alloys
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Liviu MARȘAVINA
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ilare BORDEAȘU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Ion MITELEA
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Anton HADĂR
Prof.Phd.Eng. Adrian CÎRCIUMARU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Corneliu Mircea CRĂCIUNESCU
31.01.2020, ora 10.00, Biblioteca Centrală Politehnica, B-dul Vasile Pârvan, nr.2, amfiteatrul K1
Doctoral thesis title: Connection between greenery and workplaces
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Arh. Smaranda BICA
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Arh. Cristian DUMITRESCU
Referents: Prof.Phd.Arh. Matrius MARCU-LĂPĂDAT
Prof.Phd.Eng. Constantin-Dan DUMITRESCU
Conf.Phd. Corina Mirela ILIN