20.12.2021, ora 10.00 - susținere publică online
Doctoral thesis title: Contributions to cybersecurity risk management: IoT security risk management strategy reference model ( IoTSRM2)
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Ec.Eng. Marian Liviu MOCAN
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Gabriela Ioana PROȘTEAN
Referenţi: Prof.Phd.Eng. Valentina Emilia BALAȘ
Prof.Phd.Eng. Andreea Cristina IONICĂ
Prof.Phd.Eng. Anca DRĂGHICI
17.12.2021, ora 11.00 - susținere publică online
Doctoral thesis title: Scheduling methods for mixed criticality real-time distributed systems
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Vladimir CREȚU
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Habil.Eng. Mihai MICEA
Referenţi: Prof.Phd.Eng. Vasile MANTA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Dana PETCU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Daniel CURIAC
13.12.2021, ora 14.00 - susținere publică online
Doctoral thesis title: Maximizing the management efficiency of rechargeable batteries in critical energy storage applications
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Vladimir CREȚU
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Habil.Eng. Mihai MICEA
Referenţi: Prof.Phd.Eng. Nicolae ȚĂPUȘ
Prof.Phd.Eng. Sergiu NEDEVSCHI
Prof.Phd.Eng. Mircea POPA
13.12.2021, ora 13.00 - susținere publică online
Doctoral thesis title: Rechargeable batteries state of health assesment for battery powered embedded systems
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Vladimir CREȚU
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Habil.Eng. Mihai MICEA
Referenţi: Prof.Phd.Eng. Nicolae ȚĂPUȘ
Prof.Phd.Eng. Sergiu NEDEVSCHI
Prof.Phd.Eng. Mircea POPA
12.11.2021, ora 09.00 - susținere publică online
Doctoral thesis title: Determinarea de semnături pentru consumatori casnici pe baza datelor înregistrate de contoarele inteligente
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Radu-Emil PRECUP
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Toma-Leonida DRAGOMIR
Referenţi: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ioan DUMITRACHE
Prof.Phd.Eng. Adina Mariana AȘTILEAN
Prof.Phd.Eng. Ștefan KILYENI
27.10.2021, ora 13.30 - susținere publică online
Doctoral thesis title: Earth as a building material. Constructive tradition and ecological innovation
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Marius MOȘOARCĂ
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Maria Smaranda BICA
Referenţi: Assoc.Prof.Phd.Arh.Habil.urb. Vasile MEIȚĂ
Assoc.Prof.Phd.Arh.Habil.urb. Dan-Ionuț JULEAN
Prof.Phd.Arh. Teodor GHEORGHIU
01.10.2021, ora 11.00 - susținere publică online
Doctoral thesis title: Bayesian neural network based electrical load forecasting
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Sorin MUȘUROI
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ștefan KILYENI
Referents: Prof.Phd.EM.Eng. Mircea EREMIA
Prof.Phd. Adrian PALCU
Assoc.Prof.Phd.Eng. Constantin BĂRBULESCU
28.09.2021, ora 13.00 - susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Behaviour classification in urban area using video based sensor networks
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.emerit.Eng. Vladimir-Ioan CREȚU
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ionel JIAN
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Gavril TODEREAN
Prof.Phd.Mat. Alexandru CICORTAȘ
Prof.Phd.Eng. Ștefan HOLBAN
10.09.2021, ora 12.00 - susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Contributions to the design of an automotive embedded system for pedestrian protection
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Dan LASCU
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Corina-Alda NAFORNIȚĂ
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Corneliu RUSU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Romulus TEREBEȘ
Prof.Phd.Eng. Alexandru ISAR
10.09.2021, ora 10.00 - susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: IIoT tools and strategies for systems interoperability and for increasing the intelligence of water industry solutions
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Radu-Emil PRECUP
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ioan SILEA
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Eva-Henrietta DULF
Prof.Phd.Eng. Ioan-Ștefan SACALĂ
Prof.Phd.Eng. Gheorghe-Daniel ANDREESCU
27.08.2021, ora 12.00 - susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Seismic vulnerability assessment of historical masonry building under near-field earthquake
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Liviu Adrian CIUTINA
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Marius MOȘOARCĂ
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Federico MAZZOLANI
Prof.Phd.Eng. Gabriele MILANI
Assoc.Prof.Phd.Eng. Antonio FORMISANO
16.08.2021, ora 10.00 - susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Seismic performance of composite steel-concrete shear walls with central openings
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Liviu Adrian CIUTINA
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Valeriu Augustin STOIAN
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Cristina CÂMPIAN
Prof.Phd.Eng. Iolanda CRAIFALEANU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Daniel DAN
22.07.2021, ora 10.00 - susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Contributions in the field of generative models applied in eLearning
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Horia CIOCÂRLIE
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Vladimir-Ioan CREȚU
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Rodica POTOLEA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Cornelia Aurelia GYORODI
Assoc.Prof.Phd.Eng. Ciprian CHIRILĂ
14.07.2021, ora 09.00 - susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Olive sorting process optimization in domestic production or small olive mills systems
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Anca DRĂGHICI
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng.Ec. Dumitru ȚUCU
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Lucian-Ionel CIOCA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Georgeta POP
Prof.Phd.Eng.Ec.Abil. Titus SLAVICI
10.07.2021, ora 10.00 - susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: A proposed occupational health and safety infrastructure as enabler for sustainability - oriented innovation
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Ec.Eng. Marian MOCAN
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Anca DRĂGHICI
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Angela REPANOVICI
Prof.Phd.Eng. Claudiu Vasile KIFOR
Prof.Phd.Eng. George CĂRUȚAȘU
01.07.2021, ora 11.00 - susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Research on improving the steel degassing and deoxidation processes for pipes
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ana Virginia SOCALICI
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Teodor HEPUȚ
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Nicolae CONSTANTIN
Prof.Phd.Eng. Valeriu Gabriel GHICA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Mircea NICOARĂ
24.06.2021, ora 16.00 - susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Thermomechanical behaviour of bituminous materials including RAP and rejuvenator and environmental impact of their fabrication process
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Raul ZAHARIA
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Adrian CIUTINA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Hervé DI BENEDETTO
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. María del Carmen RUBIO GAMEZ
Prof.Phd.Eng. Mihai MARASTEANU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Cédric SAUZÉAT
22.06.2021, ora 12.00 - susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Improving performance of deep neural networks by developing novel activation functions
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Marius-George MARCU
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ștefan HOLBAN
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Rodica POTOLEA
Prof.Phd.Mat. Alexandru CICORTAS
Prof.Phd.Eng. Cătălin-Daniel CĂLEANU
15.06.2021, ora 11.00 - susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Performance Optimization for 5G Wireless Communication Systems
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Dan LASCU
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Marius OTEȘTEANU
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Adao Paulo Soares da SILVA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Tudor PALADE
Prof.Phd.Eng. Alexandru ISAR
28.05.2021, ora 12.00 - susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Research on optimizing the control of SCADA system upgraded stations
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Sorin MUȘUROI
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Manuela PĂNOIU
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Călin MUNTEANU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Valentina Emilia BĂLAȘ
Prof.Phd.Eng. Doru VĂTĂU
07.05.2021, ora 10.00 - susținere publică on line
Doctoral thesis title: Synthesis of layered double hydroxidesfrom industrial waste with applications in advanced water treatment processes
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Nicolae VASZILCSIN
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Rodica PODE
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Cristina ORBECI
C.S.I.Phd.Eng. Gheorghe ILIA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Florica MANEA
23.04.2021, ora 10.00 - susținere publică online
Doctoral thesis title: “Studies and research on energy efficiency of heat pumps in a recirculating aquaculture system”
Doctoral committee:
President: | Prof.Phd.Eng. Ilare BORDEAȘU | |
PhD adviser: | Prof.Honor.Phd.Eng. Mihai NAGI | |
Referents: | Prof.Phd.Eng. Marin BICĂ | |
Prof.Phd.Eng. Srbislav GENICI | ||
Prof.Phd.Eng. Dorin LELEA |
14.04.2021, ora 10.00 - susținere publică online
Doctoral thesis title: “Studies and researches regarding the OFFSET fin influence on the aluminum brazed plates heat exchangers performances”
Doctoral committee:
President: | Prof.Phd.Eng. Dorin LELEA | |
PhD adviser: | Prof.Honor.Phd.Eng. Mihai NAGI | |
Referents: | Prof.Phd.Eng.. Marin BICĂ | |
Prof.Phd.Eng.DHC Nicolae BURNETE | ||
Prof.Honor.Phd.Eng. Dănilă IORGA |
09.04.2021, ora 10.00 - susținere publică online
Doctoral thesis title: ’’Free-text keystroke dynamics data set and algorithms for continuous authentication in educaţional platforms with Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)”
Doctoral committee:
President: | Prof.Phd.Eng. Horia CIOCÂRLIE | |
PhD adviser: | Prof.Honor.Phd.Eng. Vladimir-Ioan CREȚU | |
Referents: | Prof.Phd.Eng. Dorian GORGAN | |
Prof.Phd.Eng. Viorel NEGRU | ||
Prof.Phd.Eng. Nicolae ROBU |
30.03.2021, ora 09.00 - susținere publică online
Doctoral thesis title: Engineering and Management of Green Investment
Doctoral committee:
President: | Prof.Phd.Ec.Eng. Marian MOCAN |
PhD adviser: | Prof.Phd.Eng. Anca DRĂGHICI |
Referents: | Prof.Phd.Eng. Silvia AVASILCĂI |
Prof.Phd.Ec.Eng. Răzvan Cătălin DOBREA | |
Prof.Phd.Eng. Sorin HERBAN |
09.03.2021, ora 11.00 - susținere publică online
Doctoral thesis title: A short humanistic guide for architects. Why do architects and Laymen Have Divergent Perceptions?
Doctoral committee:
President: | Prof.Phd.Arh. Smaranda-Maria BICA |
PhD adviser: | Prof.Phd.Arh. Cristian DUMITRESCU |
Referents: | Prof.Phd.Arh. Dana VAIS |
Prof.Phd. Alin GAVRELIUC | |
Assoc.Prof.Phd.Arh. Melania DULĂMEA |
04.03.2021, ora 11.00 - susținere publică online
Doctoral thesis title: Participation of the household in the evolution of the Pietroasa Commune's cultural landscape. Transdisciplinary research approaches.
Doctoral committee:
President: | Prof.Phd.Eng. Marius MOȘOARCĂ |
PhD adviser: | Prof.Phd.Arh. Smaranda-Maria BICA |
Referents: | Prof.Phd.Arh. Albert FEKETE |
Assoc.Prof.Phd.Eng. Mihaela HĂRMĂNESCU | |
Prof.Phd.Arh. Teodor O. GHEORGHIU |
26.02.2021, ora 10.00 - susținere publică online
Doctoral thesis title: Current management issues in exploitation and maintenance of irrigation systems in western part of Romania
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Constantin FLORESCU
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Teodor Eugen MAN
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Răzvan Ionuț TEODORESCU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Carmen Elena MAFTEI
Prof.Phd.Eng. Ioan DAVID
25.02.2021, ora 12.00 - susținere publică online
Doctoral thesis title: Contributions to the Determination of Neural Network Architectures
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Marius MARCU
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ștefan HOLBAN
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Cornelia Aurora GYORODI
Prof.Phd.Mat. Alexandru CICORTAS
Prof.Phd.Eng. Ionel JIAN
22.02.2021, ora 10.00 - susținere publică online
Doctoral thesis title: Assessment of the energy performance and life cycle of buildings
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Raul ZAHARIA
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Valeriu Augustin STOIAN
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Marcel PRADA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Daniela Lucia MANEA
Prof.Phd.Eng. Daniel Mihai GRECEA
12.02.2021, ora 10.00 - susținere publică online
Doctoral thesis title: Design and control contributions to high efficiency Ferrite-PMSM drives for small compressors
Doctoral committee:
President: Prof.Phd.Eng. Sorin MUȘUROI
PhD adviser: Prof.Phd.Eng. Ion BOLDEA
Referents: Prof.Phd.Eng. Mircea RĂDULESCU
Prof.Phd.Eng. Iulian Mircea Rudor BIROU
Assoc.Prof.Phd.Eng. Octavian CORNEA