The Erasmus+ Programmme allows students enrolled at Politehnica University of Timisoara to study or do an internship in one of the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Hungary, FYROM Macedonia, Turkey, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

Erasmus+ mobilities can not take place in universities or companies in Romania or in universities/companies from the country of residence of the candidate, which means that a German student enrolled at UPT is eligible for an Erasmus+ mobility in all the countries mentioned above except Romania and Germany.

Study mobilities:

  • Minimum duration: 3 months.
  • Recommended duration: one semester
  • Host university: study mobilities can only take place at universities with which UPT has signed agreements in the field of study of the applicant. The main criteria for choosing the host university should be the compatibility between the curricula at UPT and the academic offer of the partner universities.
  • Language of teaching: please see the agreement list for details about the language of teaching and the level of language competence required by each partner university.
  • Grant: 470 EUR/month for Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Turkey; 520 EUR/month for all the other programme countries.
  • Extra financial support for students with social welfare scholarships or special needs (see below) is available.
  • List of Erasmus+ partner universities (as of 01.03.2019)

Traineeship mobilities:

  • Minimum duration: 2 months.
  • Recommended duration: 2 - 5 months.
  • For students (bachelor, master, PhD): the host institution can be a university (for working on a final degree project) or a company (summer placements). All placements must end before 15.09.2020.
  • For future graduates (students who will graduate a bachelor or master programme at UPT in 2018): the host institution can be only a company. All such placements must end within 12 months after graduation, and before 01.06.2020.
  • Grant: 650 EUR/month for Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Turkey; 720 EUR/month for all the other programme countries.
  • Extra financial support for students with special needs is available (see below).
  • How to find placements: see the links from this section.

Special needs support:

A person with special needs is a potential participant whose individual physical, mental or health-related situation is such that his/her participation in the project / mobility Action would not be possible without extra financial support. Higher education institutions that have selected students and/or staff with special needs can apply for additional grant support to the National Agency in order to cover the supplementary costs for their participation in the mobility activities. The additional costs covered should be directly related to participants with disabilities and accompanying persons(including costs related to travel and subsistence, if justified and as long as a grant for these participants is not requested through budget categories "travel" and "individual support"). For persons with special needs, the grant support may therefore be higher than the maximum individual grant amounts set out above. As regards the accompanying persons for students and staff with special needs, they are entitled to receive a contribution as foreseen for the mobility of staff (if the total duration of the stay abroad of the accompanying person is up to 60 days) or as foreseen for the mobility of students (if the total duration of the stay abroad is above 60 days). For more details, we advise you to contact DRI.

Selection criteria:

  • Academic results (0-30 points)
  • Language abilities (10 points for mobilities taking place in the language of the host country. Up to 20 points according to the language certificate included in the application file, as follows: A1 - 10 points, A2 - 12 points, B1 - 14 points, B2 - 16 points, C1 - 18 points, C2 - 20 points). 
  • Specific criteria (0 - 40 points) for each bilateral agreement decided by the selection boards (study mobilities) or set at university level for placement mobilities. Compatibility is a widely used specific criteria.
  • Bonifications: 10 points for students part of a double-degree programme; 10 points for students new to the Erasmus+ programme.

Application file:

  • Application form
  • Transcript of records
  • Copy of language certificate
  • Social welfare scholarship certificate (if eligible)
  • Letter of acceptance from the host institution (just for placements in companies)
  • 2 letters of recommandation from 2 professors you've worked with in the past 2 years (only for graduate placement applicants)



  • March 20 - 29, 2019 - Study mobilities
  • May 6-15, 2019 - Traineeship mobilities


  • October 7 - 12, 2019 - Study and traineeship mobilities

For more details:
Department for International Relations (Rectorat UPT, Piata Victoriei nr. 2, 1st floor, office 107)
E-mail: erasmus.outgoing@upt.ro
Phone: 0256-403034
Working hours for Erasmus+ students: Monday to Thursday between 12:00 and 15:00, by appointment only.


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   L’appel international à candidatures est ouvert jusqu’au 28 mars 2021 (23h, heure de Bucarest, GMT+2).
   Scholarships offered by the Romanian state through bilateral treaties or through unilateral offers to citizens of particular countries.
   Scholarships offered by the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Tourism for non-EU citizens interested in enrolling in a Romanian-taught study programme (one year for the study of the Roman...
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   These scholarships are granted to applicants of Romanian descent who live abroad. One condition for the programme is that the studies be carried out in Romanian.
   Le programme « Eugen Ionescu » permet aux chercheurs des pays membres ou observateurs de l’OIF et de l'Algérie, issus des établissements d’enseignement supérieur membres de l...
   These scholarships of the Romanian State can be obtained by international students with outstanding professional and scientific results who graduated at least one year of studies (except ...
   Scholarships archive
Piata Victoriei, Nr.2, 300006,
Timisoara, Romania
Tel. +40 256 403034, Fax. +40 256 403033
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