EEA 2018 calls for applications 


The general objective of the Programme – to enhance the human capital and knowledge base in Romania – is materialised in the Higher Education (HE) system through mobility and cooperation projects between the Romanian universities and universities from the Donor States. The projects will have a direct impact on the development of personal and professional skills of the students and academic staff. They will enhance, as well, the relevance and quality of the HE system.

It is expected that HE students will acquire new professional skills and knowledge and will gain better employment perspectives. In this respect, they will become more active on the labour market and will have a positive influence on the sustainable development of the society as a whole.

At the institutional level, the mobility of students and staff will have an impact on the internationalization of the university and the cooperation projects will produce long lasting effects through improvements brought to i.e. curriculum and teaching methods.

End beneficiaries: HE students and staff

Agreement proposals should be sent by e-mail to Prof. Dr. eng. Lia DOLGA, Head of the Department for International Relations,  lia.dolga@upt.ro.

To learn more see: http://www.eea4edu.ro/en


Call for applications: http://www.eea4edu.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/CALL_VP_2017_EN.pdf

EEA 2015 call for applications

The call for EEA 2015-2016 projects was launched (http://www.see-burse.ro/docs/call_for_proposals_2015.pdf).

Through the program, the following types of cooperation projects with institutions in Iceland, Norway or Liechtenstein can be financed :

1. Preparatory visits - Deadline: before June 30, 2015, at least 6 weeks before the action for which the application is submitted. There will be no more than 2 approved preparatory visits for a university for the entire duration of the program, so the people interested in this action need to contact Prof. Lia DOLGA.

2. Mobility projects for university students and staff - For this action, the application is submitted by the Department of International Relations, on behalf of the University. EEA Agreements will be signed by the Rector of UPT through DRI. Proposals for agreements will be sent to the attention of Prof. univ. Dr. Eng. Lia DOLGA. Please take into account that the agreement should include at least one incoming mobility (students and / or staff). Deadline for submitting proposals for DRI agreements: 5 March 2015.

3. Interinstitutional cooperation projects - deadline 31 March 2015. Teachers wishing to submit projects within this call are also asked to contact Prof. Lia DOLGA (lia.dolga@upt.ro, tel 0256 403 033).

Contact for the EEA Programme at DRI: Adriana IACOB (adriana.iacob@upt.ro, tel. 0256 403034, Monday to Thursday 12.00-15.00).

The specific forms are accessible from the text of the call: http: //www.see-burse.ro/docs/call_for_proposals_2015.pdf.

 EEA grants 2014-2015

 The following candidates have been selected for EEA grants in the academic year 2014-2015.

  • Traineeship mobilities at Moderno AS (Oslo, Norway): Octav BOBAN, Radion NEGURĂ, Denisa Anamaria BĂDOI, Andrei TIRON, Alexandru BARBU
  • Training mobility at NORUT (Narvik, Norway): Cosmin DĂESCU

EEA grants 2013-2014

The following candidates have been selected for EEA grants in the academic year 2013-2014:


Selected students: Andreea-Maria LAZEA, Ana-Maria TANASOIU
Reserve list: Beatrice Gabriela ILES

Placements at Moderno AS

Selected students: Eugen BENDARIU, Anamaria LUNGU
Reserve list: Balazs FEKETE, Octav BOBAN


Selected staff members: Carmen GRECEA, Ioan Sorin HERBAN
Reserve list: Cosmin Constantin MUSAT

Applicants included on the reserve lists can appeal the selection decission by submitting a written notive to DMCI until the date of 11.13.2013, 12:00.


Logo EEA Grants 2009-2014
Programme duration: 2009-2014
Official website: www.eeagrants.org.
The following will be funded by Mobility Projects:
a). Student mobility:
This action allows students from Romanian universities to undertake a study  of 3 to 12 months (within the same academic year) or a placement  period of 2 to 12 months (within the same academic year) in one of the DS;reciprocally, it allows students from DS universities to undertake a study or placement period  under the same duration conditions as above (within the same academic year) in one of the Romanian HEIs. Mobility periods can be combined (study+placement).
Student mobility for study is undertaken in the framework of “inter-institutional agreements” previously concluded between the sending and host institutions, both institutions needing to have an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) approved by the European Commission.
“Placement” defines a period of “training” or “practice”. Organisations that can host student placements are companies, training centres, research centres or other organisations, including HEIs.
Students will be selected by the universities where they are enrolled, through a clear and transparent process (see paragraph 4.2 “Selection of participants”). Eligible students are any students enrolled in any cycle of education (graduate, master, PhD). These students are considered “beneficiaries of EEA grants” and are equivalent to Erasmus students.
NB: Please note that a student who received a grant under the framework of the 1-st Call would not be eligible to be selected under this 2-nd Call.
Before starting their mobility, the EEA students will sign a contract for study or placement, which will include the following documents:
  • a “learning agreement”/”training agreement” which will describe the study/placement programme;  this agreement will be approved and signed by the sending HEI, the hosting HEI and the student concerned;
  • “The EEA Student Charter” detailing the rights and obligations of students during their mobility abroad, which is similar to the Erasmus Student Charter.
The document is available  at www.burse-see.ro
Besides the above mentioned documents, for placements, the contract will also include:
  • “commitment for quality in mobility” which describes the rights and obligations of all parties participating in the placement abroad.
The document is available  at www.burse-see.ro
At the end of the period spent abroad, the hosting institutions will provide the student and sending institution with a transcript of records which will confirm that the agreed programme has been followed and will detail the results obtained by the student. The sending institution will validate the entire mobility period, according to the study/placement contract, preferably using the ECTS system. The EEA mobility period will also be included in the Diploma Supplement.  Particularly in the case of a placement period that is not included in the student’s curriculum, the sending institution should validate this placement at least by including it in the Diploma Supplement.
EEA students are exempt of tuition fees or fees for enrolment, exams and access to laboratories and libraries in the hosting institution. During the EEA study/placement abroad, the students will continue to receive any scholarships or loans that they were benefiting from already in their country of origin.
Students with special needs can request a specific grant, after being selected for a mobility period.
b). Mobility of staff :
This action provides funding for the following :
- teaching missions of a duration between 2 days and   two weeks (excluding travel time)  for teaching staff from Romanian universities in an DS university and reciprocally (minimum 8 teaching hours per week are compulsory);
- participation in seminars, workshops, training courses, study visits, conferences, job shadowing for teaching and non-teaching staff from Romanian universities in an institution from a DS and reciprocally;  the duration is between 2 days and 2 weeks (excuding travel time);
The sending and hosting institutions will first agree on a work programme to be followed by the staff undertaking the mobility (teaching or training). The Programme will contain at least the following: the scope and general objectives of the mission, the expected results and a concrete schedule for the entire period. When it is about a member of the teaching staff undertaking a teaching mission, the mission should be initiated within an inter-institutional agreement existing between the sending and host institutions.
Beneficiaries are selected by HEIs through a clear and transparent process (see paragraph 4.2 “Selection of participants”). They will be considered “EEA beneficiaries” and equivalent to “Erasmus staff”.
NB: Please, note that during the whole period of the Programme (2014-2016) no more than one mobility per person will be granted (for example, a person who received a grant under the framework of the 1-st Call would not receive any other grant under the framework of the 2-nd, 3-rd or 4-th Calls). This restriction does not refer to the Preparatory Visits
Special needs beneficiaries can request a specific grant after their selection for a mobility period.
Contact persons:
Prof. dr. ing. Lia DOLGA - Institutional coordinator, tel. 0256-403033
Marinela BĂLUŢ - financial administrator, tel. 0256-403042
Adriana IACOB - administrative support, tel. 0256-403034


   Call for applications, forms, deadlines, value of the grants, contact people
   Call for applications, forms, deadlines, value of the grants, contact people
   A new call for applications for strategic cooperation projects that seek to modernize or innovate the curricula (with intellectual outputs) and small size cooperation projects (without in...
   Call for applications, forms, deadlines, value of the grants, contact people
   Call for applications, forms, deadlines, value of the grants, contact people
Piata Victoriei, Nr.2, 300006,
Timisoara, Romania
Tel. +40 256 403034, Fax. +40 256 403033
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