Toţi studenţii UPT care efectuează mobilităţi de studii sau de practică în străinătate
trebuie să urmeze paşii descrişi aici
pentru ca mobilitatea să poată să fie recunoscută şi echivalată.

Pentru a primi informaţii despre oportunităţile de studii, practică, cercetare în străinătate abonaţi-vă la newsletterul DRI (formular în partea de jos a paginii). 


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Burse DREAM NEW Scholarship Programme Burse de studii pentru mobilităţi de un semestru Noua Zeelandă

The “Dream NEW” scholarship is for students from Europe to undertake a semester of undergraduate study in New Zealand. This scholarship has been designed for European students who dream big, crave adventure and set their sights on new horizons. It is for those wanting to realise their vision in the forward-thinking education climate of New Zealand – a country where innovation flourishes, and where people from all over the world come together to follow their dreams.

A New Zealand education encourages you to be open minded, creative and to dream NEW.

Eligibility Criteria: Applicants must meet ALL the following criteria:
• Must be a EU citizen (or Norway or Switzerland) or hold EU (or Norway or Switzerland) resident status for a minimum of 2 years
• Currently enrolled at a tertiary institution in one of the 28 EU countries (plus Norway or Switzerland)
• 18 years at the time of application
• Must not be a holder of a DAAD or Promos scholarship that relates to this study in New Zealand

Applications are welcome from citizens (or residents) of all European Union countries plus Norway or Switzerland for a “Study Abroad” Semester at undergraduate level as offered by the New Zealand universities and institutions.

As part of your application you'll be asked to create a short video OR write a short blog/essay introducing yourself and explaining why you’re the right candidate for the “Dream NEW” Scholarship.

Show us why you are a New Zealand fan; what you are dreaming of; which university or ITP you have chosen, explain what and why you’d like to study New Zealand.

Your statement should showcase your personality, creativity and your desire for New Zealand.

Value: up to NZD$ 12,500 (approx. 7,500€)

Tenure of award: “Dream NEW” Scholarships are valued at up to NZD$12,500 (approx. 7,500 €) and will support you to study at one of New Zealand’s highly-ranked, world class universities and tertiary institutions. The scholarship will cover tuition fees (wholly or partially) for students undertaking a Study Abroad programme in Semester One or Two in 2018 (details vary between the institutions).

Learn more here.

1 septembrie 2017
Traineeship in the Directorate General Statistics - European Central Bank Stagiu de practică remunerat Germania

You will be part of the Directorate General Statistics (DG/S). We develop, collect, compile and disseminate macro and micro data, master data, statistics, statistical indicators and metadata. We provide related user support services required for monetary policy, banking supervision and the other tasks of the European Central Bank (ECB), the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB). We thereby define the concepts and methods and determine the master data for entities and transactions. We also provide centralised market data services and develop financial market databases, e.g. for yields and credit risk. We develop and manage statistical applications and tools, databases and processes for the management and exchange of data. We contribute to European and international standards related to statistics and data.

Qualifications and experience:

You will bring to the role:
- a bachelor’s degree or higher in economics, econometrics, statistics, mathematics, finance, computer science or other relevant discipline.

Given the wide range of roles available to trainees, the required competencies vary according to the requirements of the Division or Section. The following competencies broadly summarise the skills required for these roles:
- an advanced command of English with proven drafting ability;
- a good knowledge of at least one other official language of the EU;
- good IT skills and a working knowledge of MS Office (in particular Word, Excel and PowerPoint);
- familiarity with a statistical or mathematical software package and related computer programming experience (Access, Stata, MATLAB, R, SAS, VBA or equivalent) and/or relational databases (Oracle, DB2, MySQL or equivalent) would be a major asset;
- knowledge of financial instruments, institutions and markets, as well as statistical methods, would be a major asset;
- knowledge of economic statistics and/or international statistical, accounting or supervisory standards would be an additional major asset;
- familiarity with data analysis, advanced data analytics and/or data management would be an additional asset;
- familiarity with dynamic programming languages (Java, Perl or equivalent) would be a major asset for work in the Statistical Applications and Tools Division;
- familiarity with the techniques and approach for the management of large data sets, data modelling and analysis of unstructured data (“big data”) would be an additional asset.

Learn more here.

28 septembrie 2017
Stagii de practică la Agenţia Spaţială Europeană Stagii de practică cu durata de 3-6 luni, bursă 600 EUR/lună Germania Are you studying engineering, IT, physics or mathematics? Are you fascinated by space? Have you always wanted to know how a satellite can navigate the distant corners of space? If yes, you should find out about the career opportunities available in Darmstadt at the moment!

You can gain first-hand experience with a 3-6 month internship, while gaining great insights into the work at ESOC. You will be working as a member of one of the many interdisciplinary teams with a broad range of backgrounds and nationalities.

The areas in which interns can work are manifold. Just take a look at our application form and select the area of work that interests you most and convince us with your application. Maybe you even want to take the chance and combine your internship at ESA with your master's thesis?

You should meet the following requirements:
  • You are national of an ESA member state
  • You are currently earning your Masters’ degree
  • Communication in English comes naturally to you
  • You enjoy working in an international environment
  • You want to contribute to an international team
Interested? The deadline for submitting your application is 31 October 2017. More information and the link to the application form can be found on our website.
31 octombrie 2017
Şcoli de iarnă oferite de INNES Institute Vienna Şcoală de iarnă Austria

Earn up to 8 ECTS credits in one of 5 different winter schools, all taught by highly qualified professors. Enjoy smaller classes and reduce your workload throughout the rest of the year. What are you waiting for? Register TODAY to join INNES this December or January!

Courses Offered this year include:
Cross Cultural Negotiation Jan 15-26
IOT Big Data Cloud Security Jan 15-26
Climate Friendly Buildings Feb 4-16
UN Sustainable Development Jan 22-26
Government Communications Dec 11-22

1 noiembrie 2017
Food and Health Winter School at the University of Padova Şcoală de iarnă Şcoală de iară The University of Padova (Italy) and the University of Sydney (Australia) have the pleasure to invite you to the “Food & Health” Winter School which will be held in Padova, Italy from January 29 to February 10, 2018.
Lectures will be provided by professors from the University of Padova and the University of Sydney, as well as by FAO and Italian Anti-Adulteration and Health Unit experts.
The Winter School program focusses on the most relevant aspects of food quality and human nutrition, in order to understand how they are related and how they affect human health, through dietary habits. The focus is on the interaction between food, nutrition, and human health, in order to bridge the gap between different disciplines.
In the historic framework of Bo Building (Padova) and Villa Revedin Bolasco (Treviso) the Winter School will combine lectures with field trips to wineries and food industries, and social activities, thus providing an ideal setting for learning and networking.
The Winter School is open to a maximum of 40 advanced undergraduate and graduate students (10 places reserved for 3rd/4th year undergraduate students from the University of Sydney, and 10 for master students from University of Padova).
Students will be selected based on a motivational letter and on CV. Applications need to be sent to Mara Thiene (mara.thiene@unipd.it) by November 22nd, 2017. Students will be awarded 6 credit points for participating.
Enrolment fees: EUR 800 (students from the University of Sydney and the University of Padova are exempted).
Information can be found at: http://www.tesaf.unipd.it/en/foodhealth.
22 noiembrie 2017
Hong Kong Fellowship Scheme Granturi pentru studii doctorale Hong Kong

The Fellowship provides an annual stipend of HK$240,000 (approximately US$30,000) and a conference and research-related travel allowance of HK$10,000 (approximately US$1,300) per year to each awardee for a period of up to three years. More than 230 PhD Fellowships will be awarded in the 2018/19 academic year*. For awardees who need more than three years to complete their PhD studies, additional support may be provided by the chosen universities.

More details here.

1 decembrie 2017
BAYHOST scholarship programs Burse pentru studii parţiale sau complete de masterat / doctorat Germania (Bavaria) The Free State of Bavaria invites applications for its one-year scholarship program for students from Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe for the academic year 2018/19 via BAYHOST. Graduates from Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine are eligible to apply.
The scholarships are meant to finance postgraduate studies (i.e. master’s programs) and PhDs at Bavarian universities. Annual scholarships can be extended twice for up to 3 years; the scholarship amounts to 735 € per month. One-year study sojourns in Bavaria as part of a PhD in the home country can also be funded.
Enclosed is our flyer (in German only) and further information can be found on the BAYHOST website:
1 decembrie 2017
Bursele de excelenţă EIFFEL Burse de studii Franţa Ministerul Afacerilor Externe și Dezvoltării Internaționale din Franța a lansat un apel la candidaturi pentru programul ”The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Programme”, ediția 2018 – 2019, dedicat studenților români înscriși la un program de masterat sau doctorat.

Acest program își propune să faciliteze accesul studenților români, absolvenți de licență, la programele de studii de masterat sau de doctorat oferite de instituțiile de învățământ din Franța, prin oferirea unor burse de excelență. Programul se adresează în special absolvenților de științe inginerești, științe exacte, economie, management, drept și științe politice.

Programul EIFFEL 2018 – 2019 oferă finanțare pentru programele de masterat și doctorat puse la dispoziție de instituțiile de învățământ superior din Franța pentru o anumită perioadă, precum:
- Master: bursă de studiu de 12 - 36 de luni;
- Doctorat: bursă de studiu de 10 luni în cadrul unei cotutele doctorale.
Studenții interesați de această oportunitate pot depune cereri la instituțiile de învățământ superior din Franța. Mai multe informații despre procedurile de depunere sunt disponibile aici şi aici.
decembrie 2017 (termenele limită variază în funcţie de universitatea vizată)
11 Early Stage Research Positions available in MSCA-ITN-EID project ROMSOC Stagii de cercetare pentru absolventi de masterat din ultimii 4 ani Diverse

We refer you a joint work offer for different positions of Early Stage Researcher/PhD Position in the framework of the ROMSOC project.
Among the 11 open positions, ITMATI has 2 open calls for developing doctoral theses in collaboration with an industrial partner.
We seek excellent, highly motivated and team-spirited PhD candidates who will get unique international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral training in scientific and transferable skills by distinguished leaders from academia and industry.
Offer Requirements:


  • Mathematics: Master Degree or equivalent
  • Computer science: Master Degree or equivalent
  • Engineering: Master Degree or equivalent
  • Technology: Master Degree or equivalent

  • See the project specific requirements in the specific job announcements. In general, the required qualifications are:
  • a Master degree (or equivalent) in Mathematics, Mathematical Engineering, Scientific Computing or other related disciplines.
  • Experience in numerical solution of differential equations and, possibly, model order reduction.
  • Programming skills in object oriented languages as well as Python/Matlab.
  • Strong interest in interdisciplinary scientific work.
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
  • Strong motivation to pursue a PhD degree.
  • Preferred qualifications include excellent grades, research talent (as proven by the master thesis), affinity with mathematical modeling and simulation in engineering applications, and personal ambition.
  • Excellent command of English, together with good academic writing and presentation skills.

Specific Requirements

Application: Applications (motivation letter, detailed CV, certificates, list of MSc courses and grades, copy of the master thesis, reference letter etc) with indication of the position reference number should be send to the contact indicated in the specific job announcement. Applicants that apply for more than one individual research project should indicate the order of preference (e.g. 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice).

To ensure the equality of opportunities we strongly encourage women with the appropriate qualifications to apply. If equally qualified, handicapped applicants will be preferred.

Learn more here.

15 decembrie 2017
Programul Vulcanus în Japonia Bursă pentru un curs de limba japoneză urmat de un stagiu de practică într-o companie din Japonia Japonia

Bursele Vulcanus oferă posibilitatea de a urma un curs intensiv de limba japoneză cu durata 4 luni, urmat de un stagiu de practică cu durata de 8 luni într-o companie din Japonia. Pot candida studenţi cu cetăţenie UE din anul IV licenţă, anul I sau II masterat, anul I sau II doctorat. Bursa acoperă transportul internaţional, cursul, subzistenţa, cazarea.

Informaţii detaliate:

- Descrierea programului

- Formular de candidatură

- Detalii privind documentele obligatorii

- Întrebări frecvente

20 ianuarie 2018
Concurs pentru doctoranzi „Ma Thèse en 180 Secondes 2018” Concurs pentru doctoranzi -

L’appel à candidatures pour participer au concours Ma Thèse en 180 Secondes 2018 est ouvert !

Envoyez-nous vos candidatures jusqu'au 1er février 2018

Inscriptions sur mt180@institutfrancais.ro !

Le concours MT180, qu’est-ce que c’est ?

  • ce concours permet aux doctorants de présenter leur sujet de recherche, en français et en termes simples, à un public profane et diversifié ;
  • chaque candidat a 3 minutes pour faire un exposé clair, concis et convainquant. Le tout avec l’appui d’une seule diapositive!
  • ce concours est organisé dans plusieurs pays francophones dans le monde !
  • ce concours est organisé en Roumanie par l’Institut français de Roumanie en partenariat avec l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie ;
  • en Roumanie, ce concours se déroule en plusieurs étapes : les finales régionales à Bucarest, Cluj, Iasi et Timisoara, puis une finale nationale à Bucarest et enfin la finale internationale à Lausanne en Suisse ;
  • un jury notera les prestations des candidats et le public donnera également son avis.
  • des prix pour tous les participants et les finalistes !

Quels sont les critères de participation au concours MT180 ?

  • être inscrit ou avoir été inscrit dans un programme de doctorat de l’année universitaire en cours (2017-2018) ou avoir obtenu son doctorat pendant l’année universitaire 2016-2017 ;
  • avoir informé de sa participation au concours son directeur de thèse ;
  • présenter un état d’avancement suffisant du projet de recherche doctoral ;
  • s’exprimer en français.

 Venez faire découvrir au grand public votre projet de recherche !

Le ou la grand.e gagnant.e du concours aura l’honneur de représenter la Roumanie à la finale internationale du concours à Lausanne, en Suisse, le 27 Septembre 2018 !

1 februarie 2018
Intensive PhD course „Dynamics and Stability of Power Systems“ Curs intensiv pentru doctoranzi Lituania

The intensive PhD course „Dynamics and Stability of Power Systems“ (9 ECTS) will take place on 26 February – 2 March 2018 at
Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania.
For doctoral students coming on Erasmus+ studies programme, the course is free of charge!
Registration and more information: Doctoral Projects Manager Vita Daudaravičienė phd@ktu.lt

Informatii detaliate aici.

5 februarie 2018
Humboldt Winter and Summer University (HUWISU) Şcoală de vară Germania

Sesiunea de iarnă: http://huwisu.de/courses/winter/

Sesiunea de vară: http://huwisu.de/courses/summer/

10% reducere pentru studenţii înmariculaţi la universităţi partenere.

Early Bird:

15 septembrie 2017 (iarnă)

15 februarie 2018 (vară)

Burse AUF pentru stagii de practică Burse pentru stagii de practică de scurtă durată Orice ţară (limba de lucru trebuie să fie limba franceză)

Programul oferă burse pentru stagii de practică cu durata de 1-3 luni, derulate în perioada aprilie - decembrie 2018, în companii în care limba de lucru este limba franceză. Pot candida studenţi înmatriculaţi la programe de licenţă (cu excepţia celor din anul 1 licenţă) sau masterat . Bursa acoperă transportul internaţional, o alocaţie lunară şi asigurarea medicală. 

Mai multe detalii aici.

16 februarie 2018
Bursele Guvernului Francez Burse pentru studii de masterat, doctorat, postdoctorat Franţa


- burse de masterat: aici.

- burse de doctorat: aici.

- burse de postdoctorat: aici.

28 februarie 2018
Program Erasmus Mundus: MEDITERRANEAN FORESTRY AND NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Burse de studii pentru masterat Portugalia, Italia, Spania, Turcia, We are welcoming applications to the Erasmus Mundus Master Programme: MEDfOR - Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management. 
The master lasts two years, and classes will start in September of 2018.
Successful candidates will have the opportunity to study in two or three different European Universities to get a double or a triple master degree.
The Programme welcomes students from all over the world.

- Erasmus Mundus Scholarships: until 3rd March 18

- Self-funded non- EU student - 15 May 2018

- Self-funded EU student - 30th June 2018
Application procedures  may be checked at http://www.medfor.eu/howtoapply
3 martie 2018
Skill and knowledge to design tomorrow's vehicles Summer School Şcoli de vară Indonezia Students will have to cover the travel themselves, as well as the course fee of 700€. (includes lectures, hotel, breakfast, lunches in the university, some dinners, company visits and a weekend trip). Learn more on the summer school website: here. 7 martie 2018
Grenoble INP Summer Schools Şcoli de vară Franţa

For the year 2018, Grenoble INP will offer two summer programs, one in Nanotechnology and one in Smart Energy.
We are glad to announce that the application period of our two summer schools will start on December 15, 2017.
Please find all the information you need on our website: www.grenoble-inp.fr/summer-schools/

15 martie 2018
Rabdoud Summer School Şcoală de vară Olanda

More than 45 inspiring short courses for international (and Dutch) students and researchers. Enhance your knowledge, expand your network!

Learn more here.

1 aprilie 2018
CityLAB VI: City Aesthetics and Citizenship 2018 Summer School at University of Antwerp Şcoală de vară Belgia

Five-day interdisciplinary summer school (2 - 6 July 2018) on the correlation between city aesthetics and citizenship organised by the Antwerp Urban Studies Institute.This summer school on “City Aesthetics and Citizenship,” organised by the Urban Studies Institute in collaboration with the Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts, addresses its topic from an interdisciplinary perspective.

How does the aesthetic imagination influence the shape of our cities, social interactions, and the (self)image of citizens? Literature, film, the visual and performing arts, computer games―they all shape the urban imagination. They can have palpable effects in reality, whether intended or unintended, direct or indirect. Often artists and writers, as inventors of “possible worlds,” are called upon to produce visions of the urban future.

Can this utilitarian attitude be beneficial? Where does it threaten artistic autonomy and the need for social critique? How can we pinpoint the material and social effects of aesthetic images? How difficult is the distinction between fictional and nonfictional strategies in “imagineering” cities?

Looking at theories, empirical case studies, and artistic practices, we will investigate both the impact of the aesthetic imagination on cities and the structural tensions between artistic visions and the social and material constructions of cities. The summer school combines presentations by a range of distinguished external speakers and local staff from USI and ARIA with field trips and discussion seminars.

Learn more here.

3 aprilie 2018
Europe: Diversity and Migration Summer School at University of Antwerp Şcoală de vară Belgia

From 2017 onwards, Antwerp Summer University offers a yearly summer school on Europe. Each edition will focus on specific aspects relevant to today’s society, building on the expertise present in the different faculties and institutes of the University of Antwerp and its partners.

The summer school will take place from 25 June - 6 July 2018. The application deadline is 16 April 2018.

You are warmly invited to participate in the second edition summer school in this series, Europe: Diversity and Migration, to extend your knowledge about Europe related diversity and migration issues, based on a mixture of theoretical, practical and empirical insights from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Learn more here.

16 aprilie 2018
3-year Master’s degree at CESI
Program de studii complete Franţa

Advantages of the PreMaster program
Prepare yourself to Master’s degree studies with Network “n+i”
• Dedicated assistance from the arrival in France (transfers, guaranteed housing, insurances upon request, etc.) Assistance with administrative procedures.
• Cultural immersion and visits
• Adapted and active educational methods
• A 10 to 12-month period to best prepare to Master’s degree training in France
• Enabling you to improve your French, and even English, language levels
• Adapting to 1st and 2nd-year master’s level specific teaching methods in French engineering schools and integrating educational and technical contents
• Seeking funding for your Master’s degree studies (company contract)
 Cost of the PreMaster program
These costs include academic fees and related services. (Living expenses, visas, insurances and plane tickets are excluded)
Cost of the 1-year PreMaster program €8 500 (1) Starting date of the training: mid-September.

Learn more here.

Notă: există posibilitatea obţinerii unei finanţări pentru primul an de la Institutul Francez.

20 aprilie 2018
National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic for the support of mobility of students, PhD students, university teachers, researchers and artists Burse pentru mobilităţi de studii, cercetare, predare de scurtă durată (max. 10 luni) Slovacia The Government of the Slovak Republic approved the establishment of the National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic for the support of mobility of students, PhD students, university teachers, researchers and artists in 2005. The National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic (NSP) is funded by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.
The National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic supports mobility of international students, PhD students, university teachers, researchers and artists for scholarship stays at higher education institutions and research organisations in Slovakia.
30 aprilie 2018
Engineering summer school in Toulouse Şcoală de vară Franţa

Perioada: 27 iunie - 7 iulie 2018
Cursuri: Green solvents / Life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) / Shapememory alloys (se va alege unul dintre ele)
Taxă: 800 EUR (include taxa de curs, cazarea, mesele de prânz, activităţi culturale, abonament transport în comun, asigurare de răspundere civilă).

Mai multe informaţii aici.

30 aprilie 2018
Kemitraan Negara Berkembang (KNB) Scholarship Programme Burse pentru studii complete de masterat Indonezia

Programul oferă finanţare pentru studii complete de masterat precedate de un an pregătitor de limba indoneziană. Pot candida absolvenţi de programe de licenţă cu vârsta sub 35 de ani. Dintre universităţile participante la program Universitatea Muhammadiyah Malang este parteneră a UPT.

Informaţii detaliate sunt disponibile pe pagina: http://knb.ristekdikti.go.id/ (în special în secţiunea Download)

30 aprilie 2018
IT-Fundamentals of National Park Monitoring Şcoală de vară Germania The Institute for Software Systems at Trier University of Applied Sciences is organizing an international summer school on the subject of "IT-Fundamentals of National Park Monitoring", with the participation of the Hunsrück-Hochwald National Park, the Research Institute for Forest Ecology and Forestry in Rhineland-Palatinate and the Hasselt University.
More information about the summer school can also be found at the following web address: http://www.umwelt-campus.de/summerschool-nationalpark.
30 aprilie 2018
Antwerp Summer School on Urban Logistics Şcoală de vară Belgia An intensive immersion into the world of urban logistics, based on an introductory module covering all aspects of urban logistics (week 1 - 20 - 24 August 2018) and an optional assignment preparation week (week 2 -  27 - 31 August) focusing on innovation and sustainability in the Industry in all its facets.

Academic circles as well as governments have only grown the focus on urban logistics in recent years. This is because, on the one hand, more than half of the world's population lives in urban areas and they account for 70% of total GDP worldwide (UN, 2017). On the other hand, the urban logistics that brings the goods to these consumers and economic activities causes 20-30% of the total number of kilometers driven and 16-50% of the emissions in these areas (Dablanc, 2007). E-commerce and last-mile delivery surge enormously, but also the problems they bring to cities. Planning and managing the urban transport in urban areas under a dynamic context as today, logistics is key for city sustainable development.

This course provides the necessary background, knowledge and skills to do so. It is composed of two weeks. The first week is composed of an intensive series of interactive lectures. Topics are organised per day: introduction to urban logistics, the economics of the urban last mile, the policy framework for urban logistics initiatives, urban logistics innovation, and Big Data and Smart Cities in an urban logistics context. During the second week, the participants will elaborate a specific assignment in groups, under supervision, including intermediary meeting moments, question rounds and a presentation of results achieved.

Learn more here.
30 aprilie 2018
Arctic Business Summer School Şcoală de vară Finlanda

Lapland University of Applied Sciences is organising Arctic Business Summer School this year in Rovaniemi, Finland. The summer school will be held for 4 weeks in August, 2018 on the topic of International Business and Innovations in the Arctic.
The summer school will be implemented in two phases: first two weeks full-time learning, guest lecturers, workshops and seminars in Rovaniemi, Finland and two-day study tour in Finnish Lapland region.
The two following weeks studies are conducted online: instructions, supervised teamwork and tasks are performed in virtual learning environment and it can be done from anywhere in the world. Through intensive four week studying programme students can earn 10 ECTS.
During the four weeks students will be able to obtain valuable knowledge on the Arctic from economical, geopolitical, cultural, social and environmental point of view. We will also implement Creative Steps 2.0 teaching method where students in small teams will go through an innovation process. We have local companies as commissionaires to provide the cases, however students are welcome to work on their own business ideas.
The language of instruction is English.
Application can be submitted via the application form on our website: https://arcticsummerschool.com/
Selected participants are a subject of a 800 EUR fee. The fee entitles the students to the following benefits:
•    10 ECTS study programme, all learning events (course materials, lectures, workshops, moderated company visits, certificate upon completion)
•    Organised two days study trip to discover Finnish Lapland and Arctic wilderness. Transportation and one night accommodation in traditional Finnish cottage are included in the fee.
•    Building Arctic Network Seminar
•    Visit to Santa Claus village and organised free-time activities in the nature of Lapland

For questions and further information, please contact:
Anzelika Krastina
International Coordinator&Senior Lecturer
School of Business and Culture
Lapland University of Applied Sciences
Nikolett Plesér
Assistant, Arctic Business Summer School
School of Business and Culture
Lapland University of Applied Sciences

30 aprilie 2018
Principles of Sustainable Business Study Semester at Trier University of Applied Science Studii în limba engleză, fără taxă de şcolarizare, posibilă finanţare Erasmus+ (cu respectarea regulilor şi termenelor limită aferente burselor Erasmus+!) Germania We would like to invite your students to participate in our Study Semester program, next winter semester from October 2018 – January 2019.

In six modules per semester students will explore topics like renewable energy, life cycle analysis and climate change together with the fundamentals of sustainable business management. In addition, we will take up aspects of German language and culture.

Excellent conditions
  All modules taught in English
  Fully credited with 30 ECTS points per semester
  Small courses
  Stay for 1 or 2 semesters
  Live on campus in Birkenfeld, Germany
  No tuition fees

Winter Semester: October – January
Summer Semester: April – July


We are also very proud of our Study Semester image movies:

1 mai 2018

Burse DAAD Diverse Germania
  • Burse pentru studii de masterat în limba germană sau engleză
  • Stagii de cercetare de scurtă durată pentru cercetători / doctoranzi / postdoctoranzi
  • Stagii de cercetare de lungă durată pentru cercetători / doctoranzi / postdoctoranzi.
  • O sinteză a burselor DAAD poate fi accesată aici.
  • O listă completă a burselor DAAD poate fi accesată aici.

15 noiembrie 2017 -
1 mai 2018


City as sustainable tourism destination summer school Şcoală de vară Letonia Turiba University is organising summer School „City as sustainable Tourism destination”.
Summer school will take place in Riga, from 31.07.2018. until 11.08.2018.
For more details see our website and contact my colleague Ms Kristīne Tihanova (Kristine.Tihanova@turiba.lv).
4 mai 2018
Festivalul Studenţilor Francofoni Şcoală de vară Armenia

Le Festival se propose de créer un espace d’échanges entre les jeunes de différents pays dans une atmosphère conviviale en utilisant comme moyen de communication la langue française. Le programme comprendra des activités scientifiques et culturelles (des ateliers de danse, photographie, chanson et peinture/artisanat, des soirées de découverte des diverses cultures ainsi que des concours).

Conditions de recevabilité (participant) :
•Avoir un bon niveau de français à l’écrit et à l’oral
•Être inscrit au niveau licence ou master dans un établissement membre de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (liste des membres en ECO)
•Avoir plus de 18 ans au 1er juillet 2018

Appel à candidatures pour les participants ouvert jusqu’au 6 mai 2018 :
•remplir le formulaire en ligne https://formulaires.auf.org/ et y attacher les documents suivants : CV, attestation d’inscription dans l’université d’origine, relevé de notes.

Les candidats pourront prioritiser les ateliers auxquels ils veulent participer lors du dépôt des dossiers en ligne.

Mai multe detalii aici.

6 mai 2018
Explore sustainability at Germany’s greenest University
(7 May 2018)
Webinar Germania We will be offering a free series of webinars in cooperation with the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) presenting the study programs at the Trier University of Applied Sciences, Environmental Campus Birkenfeld.
When: 7 May 2018
This is your students’ chance to find out more about Germany’s greenest university and one of the leading innovators in the field of sustainability. Learn more about living on our green-campus and of course our international Bachelor, Master and exchange programs, which will provide young students with excellent qualifications to master the challenges of our time.
Register for free:
11.30 am (Central European Summer Time): https://www.daad.in/en/events/webinar-bachelors-at-university-of-applied-sciences-trier-environmental-campus-birkenfeld/?pageid=787¤tcategory=&month=5&year=2018
07.00 pm (Central European Summer Time): http://bit.ly/2DHKOj0
We are looking forward to meeting you online.
More information about our programs can be found online at:
7 mai 2018
Fulbright Student Award to the United States 2019-2020 Burse pentru studii / stagii de cercetare Statele Unite ale Americii

Programul se adreseaza masteranzilor si doctoranzilor care au cetatenia romana, un nivel foarte bun de limba engleza si care doresc sa studieze sau sa faca un stagiu de cercetare in SUA. Bursele se acorda pentru un an universitar (9 luni), incepand cu August 2019 si acopera cheltuielile de transport international, taxele de studii, asigurarile si o alocatie lunara.

Informatii detaliate despre aceste burse se gasesc aici.

Pentru informatii suplimentare nu ezitati sa luati legatura cu Alexandru Amaricai, ambasador Fulbright in UPT (alexandru.amaricai@cs.upt.ro) si Biroul Cooperare Internationala, persoana de contact Adriana Iacob, adriana.iacob@upt.ro.

14 mai 2018
Spanish Intensive Course - University of Burgos Curs de limba spaniolă Spania

The Intensive Spanish Language Course for Beginners (levels A1 and A2) is a 40 hour course (2 weeks). The dates: 22nd August to 4th September. In order to facilitate the accommodation during those dates (August is a difficult month since most university residences are still closed), we are very happy to offer you the following option:
-          40 hour course  +  Accommodation + breakfast  at students’ residence (14 nights):
o   Total Price for UBU Erasmus students: 380€
o    Total Price for other Erasmus students from your institution that will study in another Spanish University: 480€  (students that, even when not having been selected to study at UBU, would like to follow the intensive language course here)
Please, find information here about the course and application form.

20 mai 2018
Summerschool Creative Business Modelling: Shaping future smart cities Şcoala de vară Belgia

•    Be part of an enchanting international summer school where you learn to combine creativity and business modeling techniques to shape tomorrows challenges regarding smart cities with a focus on smart mobility and logistics.
•    Join this 10 day (3ECTS) summer school, from 25 June until 5 July, in the heart of Belgian logistics hub and home of an international port, Antwerp is a unique city to take on the challenge to tackle future mobility and logistics.
•    Explore Antwerp, capital of diamonds and chocolate, along with students from all over the world; and discover the beauty of a vibrant city in a small country, located at the heart of Europe

Date: The summer pop-up school 2018 will run from June 25th – July 5th.

Tuition fee:
•All participants: 600 euro without accomodation/ 950 euro with accomodation
•KdG students receive a 50% discount 
(Including all tuition fees, material costs, course materials and lunches)

Learn more by clicking here.

21 mai 2018
Virtual summer school “Creative Cross Cultural Communication” Şcoală de vară Online DOBA Faculty is organizing the10th virtual summer school this year which will take place from 6th to 16th June 2018. Last year there were over 172 students from 28 different countries participating.
Cross cultural communication is becoming more and more important in today's business since the success sometimes depends on how good you understand other cultures and social groups. This is the reason for organizing a free International week entitled “Creative Cross Cultural Communication” (6th June – 16th June 2018) offering interesting lectures and webinars. Moreover, students and tutor will meet in the virtual learning environment Blackboard, where all resources, guidelines and forums are to be found.
Participation in the International week for foreign students is free of charge. Students will receive certificates for successfully completing the International week. Number of free places is limited. Students can already register on our website where they can find all additional information.
28 mai 2018
International Summer School Ostrava 2018 Şcoală de vară Cehia We are launching the 2nd call for our International Summer School Ostrava 2018 application!
From 9 July through 27 July 2018 the summer school offers 10 separate one week courses of intensive courses taught by skilled professors and the specialists of the highest regard in their fields.

For more information, please visit our Summer School website: http://issostrava.cz or download the brochure here

Deadline for registration: 31 May 2018.
Should you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at: summerschool@vsb.cz
31 mai 2018
Learn German at the Coast Şcoală de vară pentru învăţarea limbii germane Germania The best way to learn German is in Germany. That is why Jade University is offering once again the “Seaside Summer Course in German” in the 22nd consecutive year at the campus in Wilhelmshaven from August 7th to August 30th 2018.

Participants live in Wilhelmshaven for a 4-week period in which they improve their language skills in small groups overseen by qualified teachers. Each participant receives a certificate at the end of the course.

Five hours of lessons take place in small groups each morning. The afternoons are used to put theory into practice. Placement tests are first conducted in order to find the right course for each participant. It is our goal to train the participants’ communicative skills: everyday conversations are practiced to train pronunciation, improve listening skills and use correct grammar. Various cultural
topics are worked out in projects or in presentations.

A special offer of afternoon activities includes:
• Intercultural Training
• German for Engineers
• Pronounciation Practice

More information about the German Summer Course, costs, impressions from the last year and registration you can find under the following webpage: https://www.jade-hs.de/en/network/studying-internationally/students-from-abroad/offer-of-languages/learning-german-in-germany/

A video about the German Summer Course you can find on YouTube under the follwoing link https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=Kw1KH9-lUgA

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us and we are looking forward for your applications!
31 mai 2018
International Summer University 2018 at Hochschule Darmstadt Şcoală de vară Germania The academic module on “German Energiewende (energy transition) – Impact on Buildings and their Occupants”, which is organized and to be taught by professors from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of Hochschule Darmstadt and a guest lecturer from Purdue University (USA), will focus on the following topics:
-          Smart Living in the house of the future
-          Options of renewable power generation for family houses
-          Influence of renewable energies on the power system
-          Climate communication – impact of ‘Energiewende’ on individual behavior
-          E-mobility and its interaction with the house
The module will also contain a one-week academic excursion to Southern Germany, Munich and the Alps region.
In addition, students will attend a German language class that is organized by the Language Center.
Excursions to different cities in the state of Hessen, such as Frankfurt and Ruedesheim, and other leisure activities, such as hiking, canoeing, a movie night and an international picnic complement the program.
For further information, please have a look at our website: https://isu.h-da.de/
1 iunie 2018
Summer Course of Portuguese for Foreigners 2018 - Arts Faculty of University of Porto Curs de limba portugheză Portugalia Target Group: Foreign citizens, aged 16 and over, for whom Portuguese is a foreign language.
Date: from 2nd to 27th July 2018
Description of the course: 80 contact hours of Portuguese Language and Culture + cultural activities. All the information about the course can be found  here
18 iunie 2018
International Summer Programme - German as a Foreign Language at University of Augsburg Şcoală de vară Germania The University of Augsburg’s International Summer Programme (23 July – 17 August 2018) is in essence a hands-on language course. Through their examination of the Bavarian city of Augsburg, participants will expand their knowledge and understanding of the history, geography, society, and culture of Germany in small project-based teams. Workshops provide them with close and in-depth language mentoring.

The Summer Programme fees amount to €380.
When arranging a place to stay, participants have the following options: Accommodation in a two-person room (incl. WiFi) is available at a youth hostel in the city centre at approx. €450 p.p. for the full duration of the programme. If preferred, participants can also arrange accommodation on their own.

The minimum level of German required to participate in the Summer Programme is B2 CEFR, although C1 CEFR is preferred. Those who wish to assess their current level of German can find links to placement tests on our website at https://www.uni-augsburg.de/projekte/sommerkurs/ . This site also contains the downloadable registration form (Anmeldeformular) and additional information on the International Summer Programme.
Candidaturile se analizează pe parcurs
6th International Summer School on Technology Transfer in Life Sciences at TU Dresden Şcoală de vară Germania We are happy to announce that the call for applications for the 6th International Summer School on Technology Transfer in Life Sciences in Dresden is now open.
For more information and to submit your application, please visit: www.summerschool-dresden.de

The programme is practice-oriented and allows participants to develop their own potential research ideas and technologies towards commercialisation. During one week they will gain knowledge on technology transfer from experts in the fields of technology evaluation, patenting, licensing, and spin-off development. To complement the programme, they will also be trained in how to pitch in front of potential investors, and be sensitized on important pitfalls when approaching the industry. The summer school will close with a mock pitch, in which all projects developed during the week will be presented in front of an expert jury.
The summer school will take place in Dresden from 17th September – 21st September 2018 with the kind support of external experts on technology transfer.

Participants will be chosen based on their motivation and background. A positive attitude towards technology transfer is a key requirement and ideally, applicants have already identified a potential project within their field of research. Please note that due to funding regulations, the summer school addresses only PhD students, postdocs, and group leaders. 
Participation fees do not apply and accommodation will be available free of charge for participants!
30 iunie 2018
Bursa Parlamentară Internaţională Burse de practică pentru tineri absolvenţi Germania

Vă interesează să participaţi la lucrările din Parlamentul german?
Bundestagul german împreună cu: Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin vă invită să candidaţi pentru o Bursă Parlamentară Internaţională (IPS) de cinci luni la Berlin.
IPS se adresează unor persoane tinere cu înaltă calificare, interesate din punct de vedere politic şi care vor ca după terminarea programului să se întoarcă în ţara lor şi să contribuie activ şi cu sentimentul responsabilităţii la organizarea unui viitor democratic al acesteia.
Bundestagul german, parlamentul Germaniei,
oferă unor persoane tinere prilejul ca în decurs de 13 săptămâni de activitate pe lângă un membru al Bundestagului să facă cunoştiinţă cu sistemul parlamentar german ca şi cu procesele de decizii politice şi să acumuleze experienţă în practica muncii parlamentare.
Bursierii vor fi aleşi de către o Comisie de selecţionare independentă a Bundestagului german.


  • cetăţenia română
  • studii universitare încheiate
  • cunoştiinţe foarte bune ale limbii germane
  • cunoştiinte ale politicii, societăţii şi istoriei germane
  • sub 30 ani la începerea stagiului de bursă


  • 500 EURO lunar
  • cazare gratuită
  • cheltuieli de asigurare şi de călătorie

Informaţii suplimentare la Ambasada Republicii Federale Germania
sau în internet sub: www.bundestag.de/ips

30 iunie 2018
International summer schools la Technische Universitat Ilmenau Şcoală de vară Germania

Universitatea din Ilmenau organizează următoarele şcoli de vară:

  • Experiencing Germany, 05-30 august 2018 (indiferent de nivel), detalii aici.
  • German for Technical Purpose, 05-30 august 2018, 03-28 septembrie 2018 (de la nivelul B2), detalii aici.
  • Living and study in Germany, 3-28 septembrie 2018 (de la nivelul A2), detalii aici.
1 iulie 2018
ISIT Summer School Şcoală de vară Franţa The Summer School programme is a unique opportunity for university students and graduates from all over the world to take French classes alongside courses in one of ISIT’s specialist areas:
  • Intercultural Management,
  • Interculturalism and Law,
  • International organizations and multinational companies.

The Summer School programme is open to university students and university graduates.
Dates: From June 25th to July 13th, 2018.
Language of instruction: French/English.
Credits: 5 ECTS.
Fees (without accomodation): €1,200.
Learn more here.

Fără termen limită
Summer School "Urban laboratory" Şcoală de vară Polonia It is our pleasure to cordially invite your students to take part in the Summer School "Urban Laboratory" organized with the cooperation of the International Coperation Centre and the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering of the Lodz University of Technology.
The registration is open until 21th July. The application forms should be sent (signed and scanned) back to krzysztof.podstawek@p.lodz.pl.  We will confirm the participation until mid-August.

The tuition fee is 70 EUR however the accommodation and food (partially) are guaranteed. More information and the registration form are also available on our website: https://www.ife.p.lodz.pl/en/Urban-Laboratory-2018
We invite both students and academic staff to contact us directly for more information. Please promote this message among your students.
We are looking forward to welcoming your students in Łódź! Grab this opportunity while places are still available!
21 iulie 2018
International PhD programs in Digital Public Health, Light Science and Technologies and Neuroscience at University of Bordeaux Graduate Research School Program complet de doctorat Franţa DIGITAL PUBLIC HEALTH
Training in complex interdisciplinary approaches, combining epidemiology, statistics and computer sciences with human and social sciences in order to explore the societal impact of digital public health.
•    Program starting date: September 2018
•    Program duration: 3 years (fully funded contract)
•    Candidates: Master graduates from disciplines relevant to Digital Public Health (public health, informatics, epidemiology, statistics, etc.)
•    Application deadline: 29th June 2018
Training that focuses on three domains of excellence of the University of Bordeaux: Light generation, manipulation and detection, Extreme regimes of light, Light imaging and biophotonics.
•    Program starting date: September 2018
•    Program duration: 3 years (fully funded contract)
•    Candidates: Master graduates with a background in physics, chemistry, engineering and/or biology
•    Application deadline: 30th June 2018
Training with an innovative, cross-disciplinary approach taking place within the dynamic scientific community of Bordeaux Neurocampus. Expertise covers a wide range of skills and technologies from basic to applied and translational research.
•    Program starting date: September 2018
•    Program duration: 3 years (fully funded contract)
•    Candidates: Master graduates from all disciplines relevant to Neuroscience
•    Application deadline: 31st July 2018

29 - 30 iunie,  31 iulie

Intensive Spanish Course for students Cursuri de limba spaniolă Spania 1) INTENSIVE SPANISH for ERASMUS and University students
SpainBcn-Programs in Barcelona, is the best place to learn Spanish fast, in a warm and fun environment, specially designed for Erasmus and University students who will be studying in Barcelona or elsewhere in Spain (many students attending Spanish Universities take a 1/2/3/4/5 weeks Intensive Spanish Course).
New students can join our classes each week on Monday according to their level. Small groups. Learning material and fees included.
PRICES 2018 for Intensive Courses: 4 hours per day,morning or afternoon lessons, Monday through Friday.
20 hours (1 week) = 150 euros / 40 hours (2 weeks) = 280 euros /60 hours (3 weeks) = 370 euros /
80 hours (4 weeks) = 460 euros / 100 hours (5 weeks) = 550 euros

SpainBcn-Programs - Intensive Spanish Courses for Erasmus students
Our school in Barcelona: Passeig de Gracia, 34 Barcelona
erasmus@spainbcn.com / ErasmusinBarcelona.com  or  spainbcn.com

INTENSIVE SPANISH: Beginners / Intermediate
CULTURAL PROGRAM Let's discover Barcelona / History of Spain / Literature
CLIL for teachers
Dates: From August 13th to September 14th
PRICE: 300€
SpainBcn-Programs - Intensive Spanish Courses for Erasmus students
Our school in Barcelona: Passeig de Gracia, 34 Barcelona
 spainbcn.com / SummerCourses@SpainBcn.com
Fără termen limită
eHealth Summer School "Technologies of Healthcare Records and Telemonitoring" la Technikum Wien Şcoală de vară Austria Digital healthcare refers to tools and services that use information and communication technologies (ICTs) that can improve prevention, diagnosis, treatment, monitoring and management of health. The data sharing between patients and health services has a high potential to provide high quality of care and increase efficiency in the healthcare sector. In case of diseases such as heart failure or diabetes an ongoing check-up of vital parameters is necessary. Due to telemedicine and home care an increase of the patients’ life quality is obtained because of location-independent treatment.
Observing the ongoing process of merging the fields of health with ICT and the recent challenges arising with the handling and sharing of medical information, the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien is proud to host the FIRST eHealth Summer School from 3rd to 7th September 2018. During this week participants will be discussing with high-ranked stakeholders of Austria’s eHealth landscape, requirements and solutions for current and up-to-come issues in eHealth. Additionally, hands-on projects will be offered during workshops. Students that attend the eHealth Summer School will be credited with 2 ECTS. The Summer School is organized by the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, Austria’s largest purely technical University of Applied Sciences.
For further information and registration please visit:
Candidaturile se analizează pe parcurs
Executive MBA in Tourism Strategic Management Program de masterat Letonia

Turiba University is proud to introduce to you our new programme – Executive MBA in Tourism Strategic Management.
This program is created to cater the needs of executive level management of tourism business and to develop the personal competencies.
Program contains such courses as Global tourism: scale and value, Business and Leadership Development, Global tourism trends, International hospitality business, Market and Business Development Analysis and other.
Studies will take place in Riga, Latvia, at the same time program includes several study trips – for example to Germany, Berlin and Russia, Moscow.
Studies are panned in 8 modules and this study form will be appropriate for those who are busy with their business and career.
Program duration: 1.5 years
Degree: MBA in Business Administration
Studies start from: September 2018
Tuition fee: 18 000 EUR per programme
Full information can be found on http://mba.turiba.lv.

15 august 2018
Cursuri intesive de limba italiană pentru viitori studenţi Erasmus+ Curs intensiv de limba italiană Italia

The Erasmus preparation courses are aimed at Erasmus students nominated to spend a mobility period for study or traineeship purpose in Italy in the a.y. 2018/19 interested or in need to improve their linguistic abilities before the befinning of their Erasmus experience.

In September students are ofered the possibility of attending specific preparation courses exclusively dedicated to Erasmus, in July and August students can join our courses in Italian Language and Cuture for Foreigners at very advantageous conditions.

Learn more here.

Obs. Aceste cursuri nu pot să fie integrate în mobilitatea Erasmus+, astfel că toate costurile aferente participării sunt în sarcina studenţilor.

27 august 2018
Internship at International University Cooperation -EU project: Erasmus Mundus Green TECH WB (University of Vigo) Stagiu de practică Erasmus+ Spania From the Erasmus Mundus Green TECH WB project at the Universidade de Vigo (Spain), we would like to introduce to you our Erasmus+ internship/placement offer.

Green TECH WB is an Erasmus Mundus action focused on partner countries in Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro & Serbia. GREEN-TECH-WB mobility includes 153 grants (28 for Europeans and 125 for WB) around the triangle: cooperation in higher education, research and innovation and under the umbrella of the thematic field of green technologies. GREEN TECH WB promotes European HEIs as centres of excellence in learning and research around green technologies and drives this excellence to Western Balkan countries in order to contribute to their better governance and social cohesion, as well as to further connect the region to the global economy.

The student trainees at our office will have the opportunity to learn how the Erasmus Mundus European Projects work, by collaborating in all activities regarding our International Cooperation Projects, especially Erasmus Mundus Green TECH WB project, such as:

- communicating with partners involved in this EMundus project;
- communicating with student beneficiaries and applicants in the project;
- helping to disseminate calls and objectives of the project;
- helping with mobility management issues;
- learning administrative management procedures regarding project management;
- collaborating in the elaboration of the press dossier and creating materials.

During the traineeship period (minimum 2 months, maximum 12 months) the students will be under the permanent guidance and tutoring of the General and Technical GREEN TECH WB coordinators. At the end of the stay, an evaluation  report will be prepared for the trainee. The working language is English.

If interested, students can send their CVs and motivation letters at the following email address: green-tech-wb@uvigo.es.
Fără termen limită



   Termene limita: 01.09.2022 - 31.08.2023. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2022. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2021. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2019 - 31.08.2020. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2018 - 31.08.2019. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2016 - 31.08.2017. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2015 - 31.08.2016. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita cuprinse intre 01.09.2014 - 30.08.2015. Burse de studii, stagii de practica si cercetare. Scoli de vara. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si absolventi. Pentru a pr...
   Burse pentru studii, stagii de practica, cercetare, specializare, conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si absolventi promovate in anul universitar 2013-2014.
   Arhiva oportunitati de studii, practica si angajare in strainatate
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